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Week 4: September Important Reminders HAPPY HOMECOMING WEEK!

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Presentation on theme: "Week 4: September Important Reminders HAPPY HOMECOMING WEEK!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 4: September 25-29 Important Reminders HAPPY HOMECOMING WEEK!
Kitchen Equivalents & Utensils continues this week Knife Skills, Vegetables & Fruit begins this week Knife Skills lab Thursday New Seats Today Assembly M & F-Extended Lunch on Wed.

2 Day 16: September 25 Objective: Students will identify components required in Culinary Equivalents. Warm-up: What does Mis En Place mean? Activities: Test Results Kitchen Equivalents Worksheet Kitchen Math & Measuring Notes

3 = = Sara Jane Strecker, FACS Educator ©2002 Learning Zone Express

4 Introduction Most cooks use recipes. A recipe is a list of ingredients that gives you directions for preparing a specific food. If you know how to follow recipes, then you will be successful in the kitchen. Who knows! You may become a famous chef! ©2002 Learning Zone Express

5 Introduction Successful cooks know: How to read a recipe Abbreviations
Measuring Techniques Equivalents How to Change a Recipe ©2002 Learning Zone Express

6 Day 17: September 26 Objective: Students will prepare and plan for knife skills labs. Warm-up: ¼ C=____ tbsp. Activities: Lab Roles Lab Reminders Copy Recipe/Mis En Place Kitchen Math & Measurements Worksheet

7 Cooking Lab Roles & Responsibilities

8 Head Chef Responsible for the entire group’s duties and cooking needs. Makes sure food is being made in accordance to the recipe.

9 Assistant Chef Responsible to assist the head chef with the cooking. Read recipe to the head chef. Pre-heat oven if oven is being used. Makes sure to fill out lab form for entire group.

10 Runner In charge of collecting ingredients and assisting with cooking/cleaning needs. Responsible to return all ingredients in proper place, organize and clean the foods table.

11 Cleaner Responsible for sanitizing station before cooking begins and running hot soapy water before lab begins. Set the dishes, collect dishes and wash the dishes.

12 Fifth Member Assistant to the entire group must pick up any slack and help the lab flow smoothly. Help the sanitizer with putting the dishes away.

13 Reminder No one should be sitting during a lab, if you feel you do not have a job please see Ms. Khastoo. YOU ARE A TEAM Ms. Khastoo will not tolerate students who feel it is “not their job” and that student will receive an automatic 0 for the day’s lab.

14 Culinary II Quotes for Culinary I
“Mis en place kids. Do it.” “Do Mis En place!” “Keep your mind open” “Follow directions and listen to what other members of the groups say” “DO YOUR MIS EN PLACE” “Follow directions” “Be nice to Ms. Khastoo” “These weirdos might seem off at first, but soon you will discover they are over the edge crazy, heartwarming people” “Do not be absent when doing labs” “Do your mis en place so you will be prepared, it makes cooking easier” “Don’t miss lab days” “Connect with your group”

15 Lab Procedures Please put backpacks on chairs during labs with your phones and jewelry inside! When you come up to get your supplies all measuring tools and supplies must be on tray. Only towel dry dishes if you run out of time (less than 5 minutes until bell rings).

16 Lab Reminders Multi-surface cleaner is for stovetops counters and microwaves. Sanitizing Solution at the end. All dishes and counters must be dried/wiped with a cloth towel. Paper towels are for hands only. Towels, Cleaning Supplies and Paper Towels Don’t forget “Pink Sheets”

17 Lab Reminders Aprons are only to go in basket by 6th period unless contaminated or dirty. Even if items have been misplaced please put them back in the proper place to prevent your group from losing points. Hot Soapy water then sanitize then AIR DRY….drying rack must be over edge of sink.

18 Lastly… No food in classrooms outside of Culinary.
If Ms. Khastoo receives a complaint from any teacher you will receive a “0” for the lab. If your lab finishes late, only one person (preferably the cleaner) is allowed to stay after and Ms. Khastoo will release you with a pass.

19 Day 18: September 27 Objective: Identify and define various knife cuts. Warm-up: Measuring spoons are used when measuring less than how much? Activities: Tasting Food Protocol Knife Skills/Safety Video Knife Cuts & Knife Safety Handout Kitchen Math & Measuring Worksheet

20 Knife Skills Links Knife Skill Drills Introduction
Bobby Flay: Basic Knife Skills Julienne & Dice Giada: Knife Basics How to Hone and Sharpen Knives Allrecipes: Basic Knife Skills

21 Day 19: September 28 Objective: Students will apply knife skills practice into a recipe. Warm-up: 1 quart =___ C Activities: Not cooking list Carrot Matchsticks and Ranch 1 Carrot per a group member cooking Don’t forget Pink Sheet

22 Day 20: September 29 Objective: Students will reflect on a knife skills lab. Warm-up: Half of 1/4C=_____T Activities: Life Friday’s Lab Reflection Math & Measurements Worksheet Pass Back Papers

23 Carrots & Ranch Answer in complete sentences
What modifications would you make to your ranch? How even were your matchsticks? What other foods would this ranch go with?

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