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Segregation & Discrimination

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Presentation on theme: "Segregation & Discrimination"— Presentation transcript:

1 Segregation & Discrimination
Late 1800s- Early 1900s

2 Voting Discrimination
End of Reconstruction South… Disenfranchisement: Literacy tests Poll taxes Grandfather clauses

3 Segregation De facto segregation De jure segregation
Voluntary, tradition Racism, segregation Specific laws “Jjim Crow Laws” Black codes


5 Race Relations Racial etiquette
Lynching (illegal execution w/out a trial) Ida B. Wells- crusader against racial violence Northern Cities Urbanization led to a more diverse population


7 Booker T. Washington Founded the Tuskegee Institute
Gradual improvement was the goal Economic equality first Atlanta Compromise Proposed that blacks and white could remain separate socially, but could cooperate on economic issues

8 W.E.B. DuBois Harvard educated, doctorate Demanded full equal rights
Emphasized education as key to attaining equal rights Niagara Falls Convention 1905, advocated abolition of caste discrimination NAACP- 1909, National Association Advancement for Colored People

9 Dred Scott v. Sanford, 1857

10 Plessy v. Ferguson, 1896

11 Brown v. Board of Education, 1954

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