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La Prononciation Les lettres muettes silent letters.

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1 La Prononciation Les lettres muettes silent letters

2 In French the last letters are often silent. Final E is always silent. – Céline, Philippe, Stéphanie, anglaise, française, onze, douze, treize, quatorze, quinze, seize. Final S is sometimes silent. – Paris, Nicolas, Jacques, anglais, français, trois – *fils, autobus, tennis D, G, M, N, P, T, X, and Z are also sometimes silent. – froid, long, parfum, beaucoup, salut, deux, chez

3 Other times, the first letter is silent H is always silent at the start of a word in French. However, some hs can be combined with preceding words, whereas others cannot. Hélène, Henri, homme, hockey, hôtel, hiver, Hawaï

4 Final letters that are pronounced: B, C, F, K, L, Q, R snob, truc, avec, actif, œuf, bifteck, avril, bol, cinq, hiver, four

5 Pratiquez! This rule is especially important with telling masculine and feminine adjectives apart. blondvs. blonde grandvs. grande petitvs. petite amusantvs. amusante françaisvs. française anglaisvs. anglaise américainvs. américaine canadienvs.canadienne

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