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1 play

2 You spawn at this place called firelink shrine
Go to the undead burg

3 Undead burg When you get to the undead burg you run into three undead Run away Kill them

4 Death death

5 When you get past the undead you see a bonfire
You can rest at it and get all refreshed and healed up and go once you’re ready then venture forth Or just venture forth

6 The depths you ventured forth you see more rats Just kill them Run past them Or go back

7 Sorry You cant go farther!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! death

8 You go to the depths While walking through the depths you see a wild Robbie rotten lol. no just kidding go forward

9 while venturing forth and you find a hearty fellow
He offers you items for free You gladly take them he gives you a sword He tells you need you to go to blightown

10 Blightown In blightown it’s a weird environment its sluggish here you move so slowly its almost annoying On your way there is a man he looks very crippled He says “go forth Young child great treasure lies in the ways before you. Try find the treasure Go back

11 Andy sixx While gong to the treasure in the ways before you, you run into Andy Sixx from black veil brides you say OMG!!!!!! Because you just Had a fangirl moment. He says oops I was running away from a bee sorry, You say that you are looking for Treasure he says what there's treasure Up there can I come with you Let him come with you Don’t let him come with you

12 You venture forth alone
You walk alone a spook goes through your bones you’re scared Go back to get Andy Go forth alone

13 ANDY!! You go back to Andy you ask him to come with you he goes with you Yah frenssss

14 You go back with Andy You’re back where you were when you were scared but you feel safer with Andy You feel nice and warm with him you're confused Go forward Go left go right

15 Forward You go forward with Andy You find a red being of darkness and descent SATAN!!!!!

16 satan Tells you and Andy that you two will find greatness in each other and be long friends or More than friends he mumbles the last words, he tells you what is here is not what it seems Forward left right backwards

17 forward You and Andy fall in a well death

18 left While going forward you see a rock you don’t know why but the rock sticks out to you Kick it leave it alone

19 You kick it You kick it, it disappears You hear a loud ksschhhhh!!!!! Run towards the sound run away

20 You run twords the sound
There's a big metal door you push it, it opens It’s a……………… Rock Pick it up Walk away

21 The rock The rock is unbelievably heavy Set it down Take the rock

22 You take it You walk with the rock you feel very ominous but then….. You look at Andy then you feel much safer Walk farther!!!!!!!!!

23 The door You see a ominus door Walk towards it leave

24 The door The door has a rock shaped hole in it Put the rock in Walk away

25 The door opens Millions of pounds of treasure is behind the door Walk back with andy

26 While walking back You realize that you are in love with andy Tell him Get over your feelings

27 You die alone!!!!!!! You live a life of sadness

28 You winnnn?????? Yay?????

29 You tell him He says he feels the same you live happily ever after

30 You winn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have two kids (adopted) You get married and you don’t die alone yay!!!

31 You walk away The door grabs you from afar and eats you alive death

32 You run away A mold monster comes from the dirt and kills you death

33 Backwards!!!

34 You set it down A giant rock monster formed and ripped your head off death

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