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My Ideal City By: Elvis K..

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1 My Ideal City By: Elvis K.

2 My Vision A city is not defined by the number of skyscrapers it has within its skyline. It is the people that create the character of the city. In my city, I do plan on having an array of skyscrapers, but the people in my city will be the main bearers of success to my beautiful city. So many mayors now focus on bringing new residents in and completely neglect the generations of families that have resided in their city. It’s more important to them to build 40-story skyscrapers for future residents then to build affordable apartments for the people currently living in their cities.

3 Geography My city is about 35 sq mi.
A city with a river running through it’s edge and a river

4 Architecture My city has skyscrapers that range in height from 330 ft to 700 ft The architecture is very futuristic.

5 Transportation There is no airport in my city. However, there is a light rail and subway line. My city is small compared to other cities with subways, but these lines are meant to carry citizens living outside the downtown area to jobs. There are also bus lines. The towns and cities surrounding my city will all have easy access to my city and a discount if they are coming to my city for work. It’s really about connection. I want my city to be connected to the main artery of jobs.

6 Transportation There is a lot of bike traffic and foot traffic along my city’s streets as well. I really want my city to gear away from cars. I want the people in my city to not have to feel like they absolutely need a car to get by.

7 Education In my city there are 8 schools for grades PK-12th grade. These schools have our full financial support. Anything these schools need will be apid for. We want our children whether or not they decide to remain in my city or not to be successful. Laptops, SMART Boards, limits on how many students should be in one class are all looked over comprehensively and dealt with. We don’t our children feeling unprepared for the world We also have a public university not far from our downtown. This public university is a top 40 public university.

8 Recreation My city’s downtown has a number of green oasises. We all have a ark running along our waterfront. Not to mention the parks located outside our community. As a kid, my park kept kids safe. It was protected so no one could get away with anything mischevious and when we there all we thought about was playing. We didn’t think of where to hide iif we heard a gun shot and that’s how I want the kids in my city to feel. We have parks of all different sizes and shapes. The one’s in downtown are the

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