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Millionaire Test review

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1 Millionaire Test review
Learning Millionaire Test review

2 Rules You may not talk unless you are using a life line 50/50
Poll the Audience Talk with your entire team Phone a friend Anyone in the class, my husband, a teacher who is not in class

3 Practice question Who has the best mascot? A. Strath Haven
B. Conestoga C. Penncrest D. Haverford

4 Practice question answer
C. Penncrest A Lion is bigger and better than a panther, pioneers are outdated, a Ford is a car, not a true mascot

5 If you are increasing the likelihood of a behavior, you are
A. Positively reinforcing it B. Negatively reinforcing it C. Reinforcing it D. Punishing it

6 Question 1 rationale C. Reinforcing it
Positive and negative refer to adding or taking the consequence away Punishment decreases the likelihood of the behavior Q- 1,2

7 Preventing an unpleasant consequence from happening is called…
A. Escape B. Negative reinforcement C. Avoidance D. All of the above

8 Answer C. Avoidance Escape stops the unpleasant consequence, negative reinforcement means that a behavior is strengthened because something is taken away Q- 4,

9 Learning is which a reflexive response is linked to a neutral stimulus
A. Operant conditioning B. Cognitive learning C. Classical conditioning D. General learning

10 Answer C. Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning you make a choice, it is not based on reflexes Cognitive is learning through imitation Q- 10

11 Responding to a stimulus similar to the original stimulus
A. Extinction B. Classical conditioning C. Spontaneous behavior D. Generalization

12 Answer D. Generalization
Extinction is when the reflexive response gradually dies out, classical conditioning is too broad of an answer, spontaneous behavior deals with operant conditioning Q-8,12

13 What is the classical conditioning formula
A. NS + CS---> CR CS--->CR B. NS + UCS--->UCR C. SB--->C D. Cs + Cr--->CRS UCS-->UCR

14 Answer B Remember the kazoo experiment
Kazoo sound + dimmed lights --->pupils dilate Kazoo sound---> pupils dilate Q-23

15 In Pavlov’s dogs, what was the NS
A. Ringing bell B. Food C. Dog salivate D. Food dish

16 Answer Correct answer- A. Ringing bell Food - UCS Dog salivate- UCR
Food dish- not part of the experiment

17 Learning that takes place when a spontaneous behavior is reinforced or punished
A. Classical Conditioning B. Cognitive learning C. Operant conditioning D. Extinction

18 Answer C- operant conditioning Classical involves reflexes
Cognitive involves modeling Extinction is part of classical conditioning when a response dies out

19 If something is added and the behavior increases you are the behavior
Positively reinforcing it Positively punishing it Negatively reinforcing it Not enough information

20 Answer A- Positively reinforcing Punishment decreases the behavior
If it is negative, something is taken away Q-6,9

21 Joe did not do his homework and got a detention
Joe did not do his homework and got a detention. After the detention, he missed many more homework assignments. This is an example of… A. Operant conditioning B. Positive punishment C. Negative punishment D. Positive reinforcement

22 Answer D. Positive reinforcement
the detention was added, not doing homework increased Punishment- behavior decreases Negative something is taken away

23 A voluntary or non-reflexive action is known as…
Consequence Response Stimulus Spontaneous behavior

24 Answer D- spontaneous behavior Response- unit of behavior
Consequence- neg or positive result of a behavior Stimulus- something in the environment that causes a response

25 Which of the following is NOT a factor that affects feedback…
Attention Descriptive Specific Useful and welcome

26 Answer A. Attention This is something that is needed in order to learn through the social cognitive theory The factors that affect feedback are… Timely, welcome, useful, descriptive, specific Q- 25

27 Taking tylenol before you have a headache is an example of….
Positive reinforcement Negative reinforcement, escape Negative reinforcement, avoidance Positive reinforcement, escape

28 Answer C. Negative reinforcement, avoidance
The headache has not started, you have prevented it from happening An unpleasant stimulus has been removed which increases the likelihood that you will take tylenol again

29 Which of the following is a primary reinforcer?
A. Food B. Stickers C. Grades D. A gold medal

30 Answer A. Food Food and water are the only primary reinforcers, anything else you need to learn to work for

31 When a situation is reinforced only some of the time the schedule is…
A. Fixed interval B. Partial reinforcement C. Continuous reinforcement D. Both A and B

32 Answer D. Fixed interval is a partial reinforcement schedule
Continuous reinforces you get reinforced every time

33 Getting paid after every hour you work is an example of…
Fixed Ratio Fixed Interval Variable ratio Variable Interval

34 Answer Fixed Interval Getting paid for a set (fixed) amount of time (interval)

35 People learn through watching others
Classical conditioning Social cognitive theory Watson’s theory Skinner’s theory

36 Answer B Watson- baby A lbert
Classical conditioning- reflexive responses Operant conditioning- rewards and punishment

37 Every 5 trees you plant, you receive one dollar
Fixed ratio Variable Ratio Fixed Interval Variable interval

38 Answer A. Fixed ratio The set (fixed) amount of money you make is directly linked to the number(ratio) of trees

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