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How is Water Recycled?.

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Presentation on theme: "How is Water Recycled?."— Presentation transcript:

1 How is Water Recycled?

2 Water Cycle

3 Groundwater Zones Aerated Zone- Top portion of soil layer that has open pore spaces Saturated Zone –the lower soil layer filled with water *** gravity pulls water down to Water Table –top of the saturated layer Impermeable Bedrock- Solid rock layer that water will not pass through

4 Runoff – water not able to infiltrate soil layers runs off the surface
Infiltration – movement of water from the top layer of soil to the bedrock Slope – Steeper slope increases runoff less infiltration b/c the water is moving faster and has less time to infiltrate soil Porosity – the amount of pore space btn the rock particles Higher porosity less runoff bc more water Permeability – the ability to transmit water through the layers As permeability Decreases runoff increases

5 POROSITY – the percentage of open pore space between rock particles (sediment)
Big spaces, not a lot of them Little spaces, but lots of them Example: conglomerate Example: sandstone

6 Big spaces, not a lot of them LESS surface area
Little spaces but lots of them GREATER surface area EQUAL POROSITY IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER The size of the rock particle DOES NOT change the porosity!

7 Which one will drain the fastest?
Make your hypothesis

8 Factors that Affect Porosity
1. Packing of Sediments – tightly packed sediments have less pore space. 2. Particle shape- Flatter particles have lower porosity b/c the particles stack easier 3. Sorting of sediments – unsorted sediment/lower porosity b/c the small particles fill in the pore spaces Sorted sediments- higher porosity Particle SIZE DOES NOT CHANGE POROSITY

9 Porosity is determined by
Porosity - The amount of open space in between rock particles. Porosity is determined by 1. Shape - Well rounded particles have greater porosity than angular particles. ROUND ANGULAR POROSITY ROUNDNESS

10 2. PACKING- The more closely packed the particles
are, the lower the porosity. POROSITY PACKING UNPACKED PACKED

11 - If all particles are the same size, they are sorted.
3. SORTING- - If all particles are the same size, they are sorted. - If the particles are different sizes, they are unsorted (poorly sorted) - The more sorted the particles, the higher the porosity POROSITY SORTING

12 POORLY-SORTED PARTICLES: unsorted, mixed
sizes (not in layers) WELL-SORTED PARTICLES: same size (in layers)

13 PERMEABILITY - the ability of rock material to allow water to pass through it.
PARTICLE SIZE (tap on the curved red arrow to see the graph!) Look at the arrows below!!!

14 Which one will drain the fastest?
Make your hypothesis

15 Which one is the fastest?
Permeability! Which one is the fastest? Which one drains the fastest?

16 Permeability – ability to transmit water through layers
Low Permeability High Permeability Low porosity Small sediments (even if the porosity was high) bc the pore spaces are not well connected Retains water Frozen soil – less permeable High porosity Large sediments – bc large connected pores are needed to transmit the water Allows a lot of water to enter but does not hold on to it. *** not good planting bc water isn’t retained

17 Simulation #3 Permeability of Materials
Demo #3 Hypothesis Page Simulation #3 Permeability of Materials (Click on Simulation #3 above to see the demo)

18 Capillarity – the ability of soil to draw water up into the pore spaces
Water is pulled up against the force of gravity b/c of the attraction btn the water molecules and soil particles Smaller particles have more surface area, so smaller particles have higher capillarity action Capillarity is used by plants to draw water up from their roots

19 CAPILLARITY – the process of water adhering to rock particles (cohesion) in small spaces, resulting in an UPWARD movement of the water through rock sediment.


21 The diagrams below represent three containers, A, B, and C, which were filled with equal volumes of uniformly sorted plastic beads. Water was poured into each container to determine porosity and infiltration time. 1. Which data table best represents the porosity and infiltration time of the beads in containers A, B, C? A B D

22 2. Soil composed of which particle size usually has the greatest capillarity? A) fine sand C) silt B) pebbles D) coarse sand

23 3. When rainfall occurs, the rainwater will most likely become surface runoff if the land surface is
impermeable C) sandy B) nearly flat D) covered with grass

24 A) silt and pebbles, only B) sand, pebbles, and the mixture, only
A student performed a laboratory activity in which water was poured slowly into four cups containing equal volumes of loosely packed sediment samples, as shown in the diagram below. All particles were spherical in shape and uniform in size within the container. After the water level reached the surface of each sample, the student determined the amount of water that had been added. 4. The results of the activity should have indicated that approximately equal amounts of water were added to the cups of A) silt and pebbles, only B) sand, pebbles, and the mixture, only C) pebbles and the mixture, only

25 5. Which graph shows the effect of soil permeability on the amount of runoff in an area?

26 6. The diagrams below represent four permeable sediment samples
6. The diagrams below represent four permeable sediment samples. The sediments are composed of the same material, but differ in particle size and sorting. Which sediment sample will most likely have the fastest groundwater infiltration rate? And why?

27 7. What size rock particle can be transported by a stream moving at a velocity of 100 cm/s?
A) fine sand B) pebbles C) silt D) coarse sand

28 8. The climate of Phoenix, NY, located in the northeastern part of the continent, ranges from warm and wet in the summer months to cold and snowy in the winter. What type of weathering do we experience according to the below climate graph? A) yellow--strong chemical B) green--moderate chemical with frost action C) blue--slight physical D) purple—strong physical

29 9. If the amount of precipitation for an area was 125 cm/yr
9. If the amount of precipitation for an area was 125 cm/yr. and the average yearly temperature was 5oC, what type of weathering would be experienced in this region? A) moderate chemical B) strong chemical C) Very slight D) Moderate chemical with frost action

30 10 questions 10 pts. each 10. FOLLOW THE BELOW INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY.
If your last name begins with letter A – M, answer the following question: QUESTION: If the porosity of a material decreases, how will the permeability be affected? (increases, decreases, or stay the same) If your last name begins with the letter N – Z, answer this question: QUESTION: Which of the following materials would have greater permeability? A) a gravel pit B) a sandy beach C) a muddy field D) an asphalt parking lot 10 questions 10 pts. each

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