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Emotional Management Class 23.

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1 Emotional Management Class 23

2 QUIZ 2 INSTRUCTIONS People on either side of you should have different colored quiz. On “Test ID” enter the number of your quiz version: Version 1: Version 2: Version 3:

3 Remaining Classes 04/20 Emotion Management 04/25 Traumatic Events
04/27 Emotional Broadcaster (Diary Reports Due) 05/09 Final Exam (11:45-2:45)



6 Emotions Diary Write-up: Due 04/27
1. Complete "Average Scores" table 2. Write in Average Scores 3. Chart daily scores a. Coloray Pencils or colored pens b. Follow color codes (e.g., happy = orange, etc.) c. Mark dot for a color/emotion, then draw lines, then repeat. 4. Write-up: a. Two pages, total * 2.5 FULL pages * 1 inch margins, 12 pt font b. Patterns? c. Health changes before/after mood/stress changes? d. Life events and moods? e. Surprises in mood, stress, or health patterns? f. Draw upon at least 3 class readings, no "Refs" section needed The situation was morally disgusting (as per Rozin & Fallon, 1987).

7 Disgust and Human Development
 Disgust not present in infancy Freud: babies proud of waste Experiments: Kids < 2 years highly disgust tolerant Imitation dog poop 62% Whole dried fish 58% Grasshopper 31% Human hair 08% Task of preschool development--contamination sensitivity Kids < 8 reject, but on basis of taste not contamination Why 8+ to reject based on contamination? Ability for abstract thinking: digestion as process, understand particulate-->infection, understand time

8 What are these people thinking?

9 Disgust as the Basis for Morals: I
Does ethical/moral sense arise from disgust? What words used to describe immoral or unethical behavior? Disgusting Nauseating Revolting Left bad taste in my mouth Turns my stomach What words used to describe immoral or unethical people?   Skunk Rat Louse Garbage Filth Pig

10 Disgust as Basis for Morals, II
* Common link: -- Disgust occurs at prospect of bringing something harmful into ones self. -- Disgust serves to expel things that are dangerous and that contaminate. -- Moral revulsion serves to keep self, and social network, “pure”, free of behaviors that corrupt or that contaminate.

11 Why is Disgust Entertaining?

12 Emotional Management

13 Response to Death of Spouse (From J.W. Pennebaker, Opening Up)
Group A Group B Strenuous exercise Seek understanding of what Stay mentally occupied happened, and why. Stay socially active. Develop new interests It’s OK to hurt, feel pain.   All emotions are OK Don’t allow yourself to cry. Accept that your life changed   Let true friends hear your story, Be up-beat, don’t depress others feel your pain.

14 Inhibition and Illness Model
1. Inhibiting thoughts and feelings is stressful 2. In short term, suppression leads to physiological arousal. 3. Over the long term, suppression leads to immunocompromise. 4. The result is increased susceptibility to a wide range of illness.

15 Suppression Suppression is ACTIVELY, CONSCIOUSLY hiding or not- showing arousing thoughts and/or feelings. -- Upset in argument with boss, don't want to show it Stifling a fit of giggles in church Attracted to someone, but don't want to be obvious Suppression is NOT repression, which is done unconsciously. Suppression = intentionally hide thoughts/feelings from others Repression = unconsciously hide thoughts/feelings from self


17 Why Animal Aversion? Rot easily Produce feces
Produce feces Embody emotionally charged ideas Closer to humans; evokes cannibalism taboo Need to maintain boundary between selves and animals: mortality fears

18 Psychosocial Aspects of Disgust
Psychological contamination, trace elements Sympathetic magic: Fudge "reshaped" Disgust generalizes, Pavlovian conditioning study

19 Decentration Rodney King trial: Defense repeatedly
shows snippets of beating. Why? Surgeons perform acts that would traumatize most of us, but remain healthy, happy. How? Mode of coping by breaking up disturbing whole into smaller parts, or; By looking at disturbing event in terms of surface details rather than underlying meaning.

20 Sexual Trauma Question on Bulimia Survey
Prior to the age of 17, did you have a traumatic sexual experience (e.g., rape, being molested)? Yes_____ No_____

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