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Julius Caesar Act One-Scene One

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1 Julius Caesar Act One-Scene One
Marullus and Flavious scold the commoners for not being at work They are angry that the commoners are celebrating the return of Caesar and the defeat of Pompey They retaliate against Caesar by tearing down the decorations from his statue

2 Act One-Scene Two Setting is Lupercalia
Caesar wants Antony to touch Calpurnia as Antony runs by so she will no longer be sterile(she cannot have children) Soothsayer warns Caesar to “Beware the ides of March” During the race Cassius and Brutus begin a conversation where Brutus accidentally blurts out that he does not want Caesar to be king

3 Brutus is Caesar’s good friend and Caesar has also bestowed honors upon him so he feels obligated to support him as king Cassius relays two stories to Brutus about how Brutus is weak One time Cassius and Caesar had a swimming race on the Tiber and Caesar had to be saved Caesar was once sick with a fever and acted like a “sick girl”

4 Cassius’ weak words provide a strong reaction in Brutus
After the races Brutus points out that Caesar has an angry look on his face as he walks by Meanwhile, Caesar pulls Antony aside and tells him he does not trust Cassius, he is too pale, too thin, he observes too much, reads too much, and does not enjoy entertainment Antony disagrees with Caesar and feels Cassius is harmless

5 After Caesar and Antony exit, Casca relays the story to Cassius about what all the shouting was about Caesar was offered the crown three times at Lupercal and each time he turned it down Every time Caesar turned down the crown, the crowd cheered After the third time Caesar turned down the crown, he fell down in a epileptic fit

6 Casca also tells Cassius that Marullus and Flavius were banished from Rome because they pulled decorations from Caesar’s statue Cassius asks Casca to join him for dinner, it is at dinner where he will convince him to join the conspiracy Cassius ends the scene by promising the audience that Brutus will eventually become a part of this conspiracy

7 Act One-Scene Three Casca begins the scene by telling Cicero (a high ranking senator) about the signs stating that the heavens are mad with the current state of affairs in Rome. Signs: Slaves hand on fire with no burn, a lion roaming in the capital and not bothering anyone, men on fire walking up and down the streets, an owl in the marketplace at noon

8 Cassius tells Casca that he tempted the Gods by walking around with his shirt open during a thunderstorm. Since the Gods did not strike him dead, he believes that they think it is a good idea to kill Caesar Cassius flatters Brutus to get him to join the conspiracy, yet he insults Casca to get him to join Cassius promises to kill himself if Caesar becomes king

9 Cassius convinces Cinna to join the conspiracy and gives him letters to deliver to Brutus’ window and to stick on his statue Cassius promises other conspirators that Brutus will be involved by morning

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