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Building 400 Conference Room A/V System (press esc to exit)

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Presentation on theme: "Building 400 Conference Room A/V System (press esc to exit)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building 400 Conference Room A/V System (press esc to exit)
chabot for assistance call ext.7225 or 6757

2 Agenda/Topics to Be Covered
Before You Begin Turning on the System Choosing a Source Lighting Controls Turning off the System Summary for assistance call ext.7225 or 6757

3 Before You Begin Open The A/V Cabinet with the key provided by the department Admin. The wireless Microphone is Located in the pouch in the accessory cabinet to the left of the equipment rack. There is a wired Microphone on the podium. for assistance call ext.7225 or 6757

4 Before You Begin If you are going to use the pc, Turn the Power on the Tower. Turn the monitor on. If using a flash drive, insert it into the white USB connector on the Counter. for assistance call ext.7225 or 6757

5 Before You Begin For a Powerpoint, use the presentation remote found in the black pouch located in the accessory cabinet. For web based apps, use the wireless Keyboard. for assistance call ext.7225 or 6757

6 Before You Begin If you intend to use the podium with a Laptop, plug the microphone cable into the wall plate. Plug the laptop VGA and Audio into the wall plate. There is power and an internet connection (D1 blue jack) on the same wall. for assistance call ext.7225 or 6757

7 Before You Begin Set the Lighting Controller to the desired setting.
1=All lights on and shades are up. 2=lights at front of room are off and shades are up. 3=lights are off and shades come down. 4=lights are off. This setting does not affect the shade setting. The setting to raise the shades is #1 for assistance call ext.7225 or 6757

8 Before You Begin Lower Screen
Push the ON button on the controller. This will lower the projector lift, turn on the projector, turn on the mic and choose the computer input. If you are using a laptop at the podium choose the WALL PLATE input on the controller. for assistance call ext.7225 or 6757

9 Document Camera The Document camera can be hooked up to the cable provided at the computer monitor location or to the wallplate at the podium. for assistance call ext.7225 or 6757

10 Before Turning the System Off
Remove all media from the devices.(i.e. dvd, vhs, jump drives.) Return the accessories to the cabinet.(i.e. wireless keyboard, presentation remote, Document camera, Wireless mic) for assistance call ext.7225 or 6757

11 Turn it OFF Shut down the P C
Press the OFF button on the Controller. This will turn off the projector, activate the lift and turn off the Mic. for assistance call ext.7225 or 6757

12 Before You Leave the Room
Raise the Screen Push the bottom button on the lighting panel to turn off the lights. for assistance call ext.7225 or 6757

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