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Figure 1. The Modified Dual Pathway Model.

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1 Figure 1. The Modified Dual Pathway Model.
From: Examination of Psychosocial and Physiological Risk for Bulimic Symptoms in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes Transitioning to an Insulin Pump: A Pilot Study J Pediatr Psychol. Published online May 23, doi: /jpepsy/jsx084 J Pediatr Psychol | © The Author Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Pediatric Psychology. All rights reserved. For permissions, please

2 Figure 2. Interaction between diabetes-related uncontrollable hunger and depression in predicting bulimic symptoms. At +1 SD levels of diabetes-related uncontrollable hunger, the slope of the regression line for depression was significant (β = .36, t = 3.06, p < .005). At − 1 SD levels of diabetes-related uncontrollable hunger, the slope of the regression line for depression was nonsignificant (β = −1.04, t = −.65, p > .05). From: Examination of Psychosocial and Physiological Risk for Bulimic Symptoms in Youth With Type 1 Diabetes Transitioning to an Insulin Pump: A Pilot Study J Pediatr Psychol. Published online May 23, doi: /jpepsy/jsx084 J Pediatr Psychol | © The Author Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Pediatric Psychology. All rights reserved. For permissions, please

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