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Robot Challenge Introduction

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1 Robot Challenge Introduction

2 DISCLAIMER & USAGE The content of this presentation is for informational purposes only and is intended for students attending Louisiana Tech University only. The authors of this information do not make any claims as to the validity or accuracy of the information or methods presented. Any procedures demonstrated here are potentially dangerous and could result in damage and injury. Louisiana Tech University, its officers, employees, agents and volunteers, are not liable or responsible for any injuries, illness, damage or losses which may result from your using the materials or ideas, or from your performing the experiments or procedures depicted in this presentation. The Living with the Lab logos should remain attached to each slide, and the work should be attributed to Louisiana Tech University. If you do not agree, then please do not view this content. boosting application-focused learning through student ownership of learning platforms

3 Navigating the Engineering Disciplines Robot Challenge
Competition held class 19 Eight missions, one for each engineering discipline 200 points maximum score Robot must be autonomous (can’t touch outside of base) Must move rubber ducks around on a mat See video from 2011 when a rectangular table was used Competition is mostly a “navigation” challenge Can build simple attachments – will probably want a pushing attachment like a bulldozer Two minutes per round; each student gets two attempts Grading: Description of operation and program listing (3%) Robot performance (3%) can score double points if all missions solved % 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒=𝑝𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑠 𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

4 Field Setup Three ducks initially in base and three initially on field

5 you don’t have to follow line for this mission
The Missions: Biomedical = 20 points Deliver insulin pump to child: move duck from base to child you don’t have to follow line for this mission

6 The Missions: Chemical = 20 points
Pump chemicals from reactor to base: move duck on field into base

7 The Missions: Civil = 20 points
Install beam on bridge: move duck from base to hexagon region

8 The Missions: Electrical = 20 points
Energize resistor: move duck from base to resistor

9 The Missions: Mechanical = 20 points
Transport car to vehicle test area: move duck from field to base

10 The Missions: Nanosystems = 20 points
Deliver photoresist to equipment: move duck from one spot to another on field

11 The Missions: Cyber = 70 points
Track the cyber attack: follow entire line between first and third stars using photoresistors 40pts 30pts (30 points) Robot must follow the line from the first star to the second star (can’t cut across) (40 points) Robot must follow the line from the second star to the third star (can’t cut across)

12 The Missions: Industrial = 10 points
Strategize and optimize: earn 10 extra points if you achieve any four of the missions

13 Rules – refer to document on the web
10 point deduction for touching robot outside of base

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