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Readings from Keylor How does the information you read last night connect to the awesome Origins of WWI-Prezi we went over yesterday? Add these connections.

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Presentation on theme: "Readings from Keylor How does the information you read last night connect to the awesome Origins of WWI-Prezi we went over yesterday? Add these connections."— Presentation transcript:

1 Readings from Keylor How does the information you read last night connect to the awesome Origins of WWI-Prezi we went over yesterday? Add these connections to your Prezi notes Be prepared to share your connections with the whole class Where did we leave off with the Prezi yesterday? What did I promised to tell you more about?



4 Crisis in the Balkans Balkans = Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia (was Yugoslavia until 1990s) + Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, and Turkey (kind of). Very politically, religiously, and culturally diverse Used to be ruled by Ottoman Empire, which is crumbling Now split between Ottomans and A-H Empires  series of wars between the two in 1800s A-H: Not as rich as rest of the empire and other parts of Europe + feelings of being conquered = lots of nationalism

5 Congress of Berlin Seven big powers sit down to resolve geo-political mess that is Balkans in 1878 Hosted by Bismarck in Berlin (no small countries invited) Goals: Sort out Russo-Turkish war Balance power via territory redistribution Cripple Pan-Slavism (& Russia) Protect Christian Europeans in Ottoman Empire Results: Serbia, Montenegro, Bulgaria, Romania given independence Macedonia goes to Ottomans Bosnia-Herzegovina goes to Austria Britain gets Cyprus Ottomans promise many reforms

6 Triple Alliance (Central Powers)
Bismarck turns to Europe after unifying Germany  sees France as biggest “threat,” so tries to isolate it Finds allies in Austria-Hungary and Italy = Triple Alliance Russia also wooed by Germany, but not successfully (Italy leaves when the war starts, citing alliance was for defensive purposes; Ottoman Empire added)

7 Triple Entente (Allied Powers)
Wilhelm I dies, Wilhelm II is Kaiser kicks out Bismarck in 1890 Wilhelm is militaristic and greedy (without the political savvy of Bismarck) = bad combo Britain & France united against common enemy (Germany) to counter Balance of Power; convince Russia to join 1907 – Europe divided into two alliances

8 Greater Serbia During Ottoman rule, people moved around freely, so largest ethnic group, Serbia, scattered in all these new lands Serbia 1.) believes it is their right to united lands into one larger Serbia that can be major player in Europe 2.) don’t trust A-H to stop with B-H Plays on young nationalism starting extremist, terrorist groups known as the Black Hand Plan is to do something violent in A-H to get Serbians there to revolt and join Serbia


10 The Great War starts (Spielvogel 762-765)
After failing to assassinate other royals, Black Hand settle on Franz Ferdinand Series of errors lead to Archduke Franz Ferdinand & wife Sofie killed June 28, 1914 Ferdinand is heir to A-H emperor Franz Josef Gavrilo Princip, 19, (member of Black Hand) assassinates him Austria makes ridiculous ultimatum to Serbia Serbia rejects them; Russia promises to protect Slavic brothers Serbia Germany tells them both to chill Austria asks Germany for “blank check”  Kaiser is on vacation, Germany says “yes” (without thinking) Austria attacks, Russia backs Serbia, France backs Russia (Triple Entente), Germany backs Austria Ottomans jump in to get even with Russia Germany has plan for invasion called Schlieffen Plan (France then Russia) Britain is cautious but promises to protect Belgium (royal families friends) Germany invades France around Maginot Line via Belgium Britain declares war on Germany

11 East-West vs. Central Ottoman’s join Triple Alliance to get even with Russia from Russo-Turk War Two teams: Britain (Belgium), France, Russia (Serbia) = Triple Entente Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire = Triple Alliance

12 England vs. Germany “in quotes”… How is WWI a clash of ideas & values, not just politics?

13 England v. Germany What differences did you notice?
How will this play a role in the coming of war? One person please turn in your table’s chart & thesis to top inbox

14 Who was to blame for the First World War?
Blame Game Who was to blame for the First World War? In your table groups–make a pie chart of blame… Draw it out for other tables to see Think of specific and relevant evidence you can use to support your pie chart of blame (maybe even write it down on the back of your chart?)

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