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Presentation on theme: "CROPLANDS RESEARCH GROUP"— Presentation transcript:

Leader: Craig Drury (Canada) Number of members: 18 Number of member countries: 8

2 Conservation Agriculture Members
Argentina Tomás Della Chiesa Gervasio Piñeiro Juan Manuel Piñeiro Canada Denis Angers Craig Drury Henry Janzen Denmark Lars Munkholm Germany Rene Dechow Italy Roberta Farina Rosa Francavigilia Pier Roggero Spain Diego Abalos Sweden Thomas Kätterer USA Michel Cavigelli Hero Gollany Mark Liebig Charles Rice Upendra Sainju

3 Activities/Accomplishment since last meeting
Next Steps (Identified fall 2016) Review conservation agriculture methods/practices which reduce GHG emissions. Identify & highlight Conservation Agriculture cases studies. Understand management practices for cover crops which impact soil organic carbon and GHG emissions

4 Activities/Accomplishment since last meeting
Review conservation agriculture methods/practices which reduce GHG emissions. 1. Finalized the Conservation Agriculture factsheet and published it on the GRA website.

5 Activities/Accomplishment since last meeting
Review conservation agriculture methods/practices which reduce GHG emissions. 2. Identified ~10 new datasets (so far) related to CA. This information & data has been provided to Mark Liebig for MAGGnet. 3. Decided to conduct a meta-analysis to determine which CA practices may be most useful at reducing GHG emissions.

6 Activities/Accomplishment since last meeting
3. cont’d – Meta-analysis on CA & GHG emissions - CA network members are identifying their own datasets that could be used for meta-analysis - Mark Liebig will search MAGGnet for additional CA sites that could be used in the meta-analysis - Diego Abalos has agreed to run the meta-analysis - Craig Drury has procured $12K from Canada to hire a co-op student (Fall 2017) to assist with data compilation

7 Activities/Accomplishment since last meeting
Review conservation agriculture methods/practices which reduce GHG emissions. 4. We will propose to host a symposium on CA practices and GHG emissions at the USA/Canada/Mexico Soil Science Societies conference in San Diego, CA, USA (Jan 6-9, 2019). Action: Hero Gollany (chair of Soil and Water Conservation Division)

8 Activities/Accomplishment since last meeting
Identify & highlight Conservation Agriculture cases studies. - This activity will be based upon the results of the meta analysis. We also hope to publish a peer reviewed paper. Understand management practices for cover crops which impact soil organic carbon and GHG emissions - This activity will be started after the above activities have been completed (~2+ yrs).

9 Communications – Conservation Agriculture Network:
Activities/Accomplishment since last meeting Communications – Conservation Agriculture Network: Face-to-face Meetings: 1st Meeting – Phoenix, Arizona (November 2016) 2nd Meeting - Harpenden, UK (September 2017). 3rd Meeting - ASA-CSSA-SSSA Meetings – Tampa Meetings: - on-going basis

10 Communications – Conservation Agriculture Network:
Activities/Accomplishment since last meeting Communications – Conservation Agriculture Network: Symposia (proposed): - CA & GHG emissions – San Diego (Jan. 6-9, 2019)

11 Comments & Suggestions?
Conservation Agriculture Network Comments & Suggestions? Please contact: Craig Drury


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