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Chapter 9 Section 3 The Federalists in Charge P. 35/ P. 287

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1 Chapter 9 Section 3 The Federalists in Charge P. 35/ P. 287
Finding Main Idea As you read about the growth of political parties and the presidency of John Adams, take notes to answer questions about events appearing on the time line. 1789 What did Washington warn against in his farewell address? 1796 Washington’s farewell address 2. What was noteworthy about this election? Adams elected President


3 Chapter 9 Section 3 The Federalists in Charge P. 35/ P. 287
Finding Main Idea As you read about the growth of political parties and the presidency of John Adams, take notes to answer questions about events appearing on the time line. 1789 What did Washington warn against in his farewell address? *Avoid political parties,*Avoid sectionalism, *avoid permanent alliances with foreign nations 1796 Washington’s farewell address 2. What was noteworthy about this election? First election in which political parties competed Resulted in a Pres. & V-Pres from different political parties Adams elected President

4 Democratic-Republican
John Adams 2nd U. S. President Federalist Thomas Jefferson Vice-President Democratic-Republican

5 Abigail Adams Supervising the Hanging of the Wash in the East Room Gordon Phillips, 1966, oil on canvas White House Historical Association

6 Incident in which French officials demanded bribe from U.S. Diplomats
B. Summarizing On the back of this paper, identify or explain each of the following. Incident in which French officials demanded bribe from U.S. Diplomats XYZ Affair-

7 Led to a wave of anti-French feelings in the US
1789 3. What effect did the affair have on U.S.-French relations? Led to a wave of anti-French feelings in the US treaties w/France cancelled American navy seized French vessels XYZ Affair- What measures were contained in these acts? 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts What did these resolutions declare? Virginia and Kentucky resolutions

8 Alien and Sedition Acts-
B. Summarizing On the back of this paper, identify or explain each of the following. XYZ Affair- Incident in which French officials demanded bribe from U.S. Diplomats Alien and Sedition Acts- Acts passed by a Federalist Congress in 1798 to silence their Democratic–Republican critics Alien and Sedition Act clip on youtube start at 1:00 to 1:32

9 Led to a wave of anti-French feelings in the US
1789 3. What effect did the affair have on U.S.-French relations? Led to a wave of anti-French feelings in the US treaties w/France cancelled the American navy seized French vessels XYZ Affair- 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts What measures were contained in these acts? Raised waiting period for citizenship from 5 to 14 yrs. Pres. could deport or jail any undesirable alien. Outlawed expressing opinions considered damaging to the govt.

10 B. Summarizing On the back of this paper, identify or explain each of the following.
XYZ Affair- Incident in which French officials demanded bribe from U.S. Diplomats Alien and Sedition Acts- Acts passed by a Federalist Congress in 1798 to silence their Democratic–Republican critics States’ rights- theory that states had the right to judge when the federal gov’t had passed an unconstitutional law

11 Raised waiting period for citizenship from 5 to 14 yrs.
1789 What measures were contained in these acts? Raised waiting period for citizenship from 5 to 14 yrs. Pres. could deport or jail any undesirable alien. Outlawed expressing opinions considered damaging to the govt. 1798 Alien and Sedition Acts What did these resolutions declare? They declared Alien & Sedition Acts unconstitutional Virginia and Kentucky resolutions

12 U. S. makes peace with France.
He spoke proudly about having saved the nation from bloodshed. “I desire no other inscription over my gravestone than: ‘Here lies John Adams, who took upon himself the responsibility of the peace with France in the year 1800”

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