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Science Review JEOPARDY.

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1 Science Review JEOPARDY

2 Organelles Vocabulary Plant vs. Animal Cells Picture ID Cell Processes 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

3 Organelles 100 This layer surrounds the outside of all cells. It allows certain materials to enter or leave the cells. A: What is Cell membrane ?

4 Organelles 200 This organelle is the “control center” of the cell and contains its DNA. A: What is nucleus ?

5 Organelles 300 This organelle is the “powerhouse” of the cell making energy. A: What is mitochondria ?

6 Organelles 400 This is where proteins are made.
A: What is on the ribosomes?

7 Organelles 500 This is a sac of digestive enzymes that digests wastes and broken down cell parts. A: What is a lysosome ?

8 Vocabulary 100 The smallest unit that has the functions of life
A: What is a CELL?

9 Vocabulary 200 The procedure used by scientists to solve a problem

10 Vocabulary 300 Water moving across a cell membrane from high concentrations to low concentrations A: What is OSMOSIS ?

11 Vocabulary 400 Water leaving a cell because the concentration of water is higher in the cell than outside the cell A: What is Hypertonic?

12 Vocabulary 500 An explanation for something you observe.

13 These are larger in plant cells
Plant vs. Animal Cells 100 These are larger in plant cells A: What are Vacuoles ?

14 Plant vs. Animal Cells 200 Plant cells are this shape ____ while animal cells are this shape _____ . A: What are rectangular and round ?

15 This structure surrounds plant cells.
Plant vs. Animal Cells 300 This structure surrounds plant cells. A: What is a Cell Wall?

16 Plant vs. Animal Cells 400 Animal cells do not have this structure that converts light energy into food. A: What is Chloroplast?

17 Name all four differences between plant and animal cells.
Plant vs. Animal Cells 500 Name all four differences between plant and animal cells. A: What is shape, vacuole, chloroplast, and cell wall?

18 Picture ID 100 This organelle
has a folded inner membrane and does cellular respiration. A: What is a mitochondria?

19 Picture ID 200 This organelle transports molecules and has ribosomes attached. A: What is rough ER ?

20 Picture ID 300 This organelle digests waste and breaks down worn out cell parts. A: What is a lysosome?

21 Picture ID 400 This organelle looks like a stack of pancakes and packages molecules for transport. A: What is a Golgi body?

22 Picture ID 500 This is found in plants and contains the structures for photosynthesis. A: What is a chloroplast ?

23 The process of turning sunlight into energy
Cell Processes 100 The process of turning sunlight into energy A: What is Photosynthesis?

24 The process of converting sugar into energy used by cells
Cell Processes 200 The process of converting sugar into energy used by cells A: What is Cellular Respiration?

25 Cell Processes 300 What does photosynthesis make? A: What is Glucose and Oxygen?

26 What does Photosynthesis use?
Cell Processes 400 What does Photosynthesis use? A: What is Carbon Dioxide, water, and Sunlight?

27 What does Cellular Respiration make?
Cell Processes 500 What does Cellular Respiration make? A: What is Water, Carbon Dioxide, and ATP?

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