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Widely regarded as the greatest writer in English Literature

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1 Widely regarded as the greatest writer in English Literature
William Shakespeare Widely regarded as the greatest writer in English Literature

2 Shakespeare 1563-1616 Stratford-on-Avon, England wrote 37 plays
about 154 sonnets started out as an actor

3 Stage Celebrity Actor for Lord Chamberlain’s Men (London theater co.)
Also principal playwright for them. 1599- Lord Ch. Co. built Globe Theater where most of Shakespeare's plays were performed.


5 The Theater Plays produced for the general public. Roofless- open air.
No artificial lighting. Courtyard surrounded by 3 levels of galleries.

6 Spectators Wealthy people got benches.
“Groundlings”- poorer people stood and watched from the courtyard “pit”. All but the wealthy were uneducated/illiterate. Much more interaction than today.

7 Staging Areas Stage- platform that extended into the pit.
Dressing & storage rooms in galleries behind & above stage. second-level gallery- upper stage- famous balcony scene in R & J. Trap door. “Heavens” .

8 Differences No scenery Settings - references in dialogue and props.
Elaborate costumes. Plenty of props. Fast-paced, colourful. Some lasted over 2 hours!

9 Actors Only men and boys- no women.
Young boys whose voices had not changed play women’s roles. Would have been considered indecent for a woman to appear on stage.

10 Elizabethan (QE1) Words
Anon: Soon Aye: Yes But: Except for/only E’en: Even E’er: Ever Wilt: Will, will you

11 QE1 Words (contin.) Haply: Perhaps Happy: Fortunate Hence: Go
Hie: Hurry Marry: Indeed Whence Where

12 Have a go! Translate these sentences: Hence forth from whence Ye came.
Marry such happy circumstance. Haply thou wilt say “aye”. But death shall prevent my success. Hie the sun shall set anon.

13 Shakespeare wrote: Comedies Histories Tragedies

14 Romeo and Juliet Written about 1595 Considered a tragedy
West Side Story (Movie) based on R&J

15 Tragedy (Shakespearean)
Drama where the central character/s suffer disaster/great misfortune In many tragedies, downfall results from: Fate Character flaw/Fatal flaw Combination of the two

16 Romeo and Juliet

17 Blank Verse Much of R & J is written in it: unrhymed verse
iambic (unstressed, stressed) pentameter( 5 “feet” to a line) ends up to be 10 syllable lines

18 The sequence of events in a literary work
Plot The sequence of events in a literary work

19 Exposition The plot usually begins by introducing: setting characters
basic situation

20 Two households…

21 Both alike in dignity…

22 In fair Verona, where we lay our scene…

23 Conflict The struggle that develops man vs. man man vs. himself
man vs. society man vs. nature

24 From ancient grudge break to new mutiny…

25 makes civil hands unclean.
Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

26 Inciting Moment Often called “initial incident”
the first bit of action that occurs which begins the plot Romeo and Juliet “lock eyes” at the party

27 From forth the fatal loins of these two foes,

28 Crisis The point where the protagonist’s situation will either get better or worse protagonist>good guy antagonist>bad guy

29 Climax The turning point of the story-everything begins to unravel from here .

30 A pair of star-cross’d lovers take their life.

31 Resolution The end of the central conflict

32 Montagues

33 Capulets

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