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Welcome to the Year 5 and Year 6

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1 Welcome to the Year 5 and Year 6
Poetry Declamation 2016

2 What is it? A competition where everybody learns a piece by heart and declaims it to their class. The piece can be a poem, a speech, an extract from a book or play. In other schools, in previous years, the final has showcased a variety of forms.

3 Inspired by… Mr Evans, our Year 5 class governor who mentioned the idea. It inspired his son at school, who has gone on to become an English teacher. Mr Evans still remembers it fondly. It is also a key learning skill in the new curriculum.

4 What will you be judged on?
You will be judged on four areas: 1. Clarity – looking at the basics of declaiming a poem – diction, enunciation, pronunciation and projection. 2. Delivery – the expression and intonation used within the voice as well as the overall entertainment factor of their declamation. 3. Interpretation – their knowledge and understanding of the poem. 4. Choice – this is the minor category, but plenty can be said about the choice boys make and whether or not it was wise…

5 Let’s have a look…

6 Key dates Competition final Tuesday 24th May
6 children from each class (Year 5 and Year 6) in the final. Each child will perform their pieces at various times prior to this date and will be given plenty of notice when it is their turn!

7 Pride and recognition of hard work
What’s in it for you? Pride and recognition of hard work Improved speaking and listening skills Confidence boosting feeling And…

8 Prizes - book tokens 1st place = £30 2nd place = £15 3rd place = £10
All of the other 9 finalists will receive a £5 book token

9 Some suggested links to sites…

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