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Riding the Enrollment Assistance Roller Coaster

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1 Riding the Enrollment Assistance Roller Coaster
With Joanne Hermiston & Melissa Bell Index Card: As guests enter have them fill out an index card and share a challenge or success. Use later on in lessons learned.

2 Objectives CAC requirements Processes involved & Clinic workflows
Common pitfalls to avoid

3 Where do you stand??? If you or your organization has participated in one way or another please stand up. Have people set down for each year starting with last years enrollment as the 1st year. Reminder: Fill out index card… a. any successes b. overcome challenges 3) Introduce remaining experts. (Broad comment about those that remain standing.)

4 Why is ACA enrollment important?
Some who benefit from it are… Patients Staff Clinic Community More details in following slides…

5 Patients Health coverage Peace of mind Avoiding penalty
Empowering them to take charge of health and education of insurance basics

6 Staff Increase of overall knowledge of how pieces fit together
Better understanding of insurance in’s & out’s Satisfaction from helping individuals

7 Clinics Increased ability to bill for services provided
Increased revenue for clinics Right thing to do for your clinics to better serve the patient Another service that can be offered to patients

8 Community Decrease overall number of uninsured
Individuals and families can get health needs met Lessen financial burdens related to health care Encourage healthier behaviors Increase healthcare visits – preventive care Decrease unnecessary ER visits

9 What’s involved??? Certification process for clinic organization (CDO)
Internal clinic workflow processes Materials Identifying eligible individuals Appointment screening & scheduling Assistance & education Tracking & reporting With open enrollment starting 11/1/2016, enough time needs to be allowed to complete the CMS training. Processes: Materials needed & ready Identifying eligible individuals - inbound & outbound Appointment screening & scheduling process Assistance/education with selection process Tracking & reporting

10 What’s involved??? Individual CAC Certification process
Signed CAC agreement with CDO Training courses through CMS for CAC’s 7 required modules (2017) & 5-10 hours to complete CDO issues an official CAC certificate Open enrollment begins November 1st, 2016 With open enrollment starting 11/1/2016, enough time needs to be allowed to complete the CMS training. Processes: Materials needed & ready Identifying eligible individuals - inbound & outbound Appointment screening & scheduling process Assistance/education with selection process Tracking & reporting – NEXT SLIDE more details….

11 Monitoring Progress Tracking & Reporting:
Quarterly Dashboard Report (clinic goals) FPCI & OPA reporting Other agency reporting * Consider all factors to determine success! Other agency reporting: County Board of Health County Board of Supervisors United Way Consider using for other grants that are agency specific. Determining Success: ROI Patient utilization

12 Avoiding Common Pitfalls
Time Assistance area considerations What’s needed for appointments Helpful tools Partnerships/Resources Lessons learned Time: Screening calls: 1hr. Appointment vs. 2 hr. Appointment (also to include informing patient) Multiple appointments – follow up calls or appointments Assistance area considerations: 1) Computer & phone access 2) Private space - HIPPA What’s needed for appointments: Appointments: provider, medications – to make plan selections Information: employer insurance offered, income, legal status cards, DOB & SSN for all household members, taxes, access (password & username) Helpful Tools: CAC handbook for appointments Blue folder: Coverage to Care (booklets-roadmap) * insurance terminology resource Scrips: CMS, NFPRHA, others or make your own NFPRHA: envelopes, bookmarks, enrollment kits Partnerships/Resources: Resources: NFPRHA (Get Covered Materials); Coverage to Care books – available free from CMS Support network: FPCI monthly phone calls Community Partnerships: Navigators, CAC’s within community Lessons Learned: Index cards (challenges & successes): Group discussion, time permitting. Questions for index card… a. any successes b. overcome challenges

13 INCOME GAME Iowa Wellness Plan Marketplace
Iowa Marketplace Choice Plan Private Broker Employer Insurance Insert game here: income levels – what they qualify for… Use scenarios and distribute one per table. (5-6)

14 Questions...

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