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Ch.13- Exploring the Oceans

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Presentation on theme: "Ch.13- Exploring the Oceans"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch.13- Exploring the Oceans

2 What is the standard? S6E3. Students will recognize the significant role of water in earth processes.

3 What is the element? c. Describe the composition, location, and subsurface topography of the world’s oceans.

4 Take a closer look… What are we describing in the element?
What does subsurface topography mean?

5 Copy in your notes… Subsurface= Below the surface
Topography= description of the physical features of an area

6 The Ocean Floor Consists of many different regions
Consists of 3 groups of marine life: Plankton (squid) Nekton (sharks) Benthos (starfish)

7 The Ocean Floor

8 Studying the Ocean Floor
Sonar (Sound Navigation and Ranging) Used to determine the ocean’s depth by sending sound pulses from a ship into the ocean

9 Studying the Ocean Floor
Geosat A satellite used to measure changes in the height of the ocean’s surface

10 What is sonar?

11 Technology that uses sound pules from a ship down into the ocean

12 What is geosat used to measure?

13 Changes in the height of the ocean’s surface

14 Alvin Underwater Vessels
Research vessel used to travel to the deep ocean Used to search for sunken ships, recovery of lost items, and exploring the ocean floor

15 Exploring the Ocean Floor
Deep Flight An underwater airplane used to explore the deep ocean

16 Exploring the Ocean Floor
Jason II and Medea Robotic vessels used to explore the ocean

17 Name and explain one type of underwater vessel

18 Jason II/ Medea: Robotic underwater vessels Deep Flight: Underwater airplane Alvin: Research vessel

19 Abyssal Plain Like a flat board
A large, flat, almost level area of the deep-ocean basin Like a flat board Abyssal Plain An abyssal plain is covered by mud and marine organisms.

20 Continental Slope

21 Continental shelf

22 Rift Valley

23 Mid-ocean ridge: A long, undersea mountain chain that forms along the ocean floor

24 Continental rise: The gently sloping section of the continental margin located between the continental slope and abyssal plain

25 Seamount: A submerged mountain on the ocean floor that has a volcanic origin

26 Ocean Trench: A steep, long depression in the deep ocean floor that runs parallel to a chain of volcanic islands or a continental margin

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