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Breast Case 1 Jane McNicholas Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon

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Presentation on theme: "Breast Case 1 Jane McNicholas Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon"— Presentation transcript:

1 Breast Case 1 Jane McNicholas Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon
East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust

2 Case 1 23 year old woman Noticed a lump 3 months ago in right breast
Might have got slightly larger in that time Nil of note in history On examination, a 2cm lump found in upper outer quadrant of breast - P2

3 Case 1 P1 - normal P2 - probably benign P3 - indeterminate
P4 - probably malignant P5 - malignant

4 Case 1 What investigations would you do?

5 Case 1 Ultrasound of right breast reveals 2 cm discrete benign looking mass - U2 FNA - C2 Core biopsy - B2 - fibroadenoma

6 Case 1 U1 - normal U2 - benign U3 - indeterminate
U4 - probably malignant U5 - malignant

7 Case 1 C1 - inadequate/ insufficient for analysis (i.e too few epithelial cells) C2 - benign C3 - indeterminate C4 - suspicious of malignancy C5 - malignant

8 Case 1 B1 - normal breast tissue B2 - benign B3 - indeterminate
B4 - suspicious of malignancy B5a - DCIS B5b - invasive cancer B5c - unable to assess invasion

9 Case 1 What would you tell the patient?

10 Case 1 Benign breast lesion
Only reason to remove it is at patient request Reassure and discharge

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