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Bad Physics By: Preston Miller, Ashlei Hardenburg, Kamran Jehle.

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Presentation on theme: "Bad Physics By: Preston Miller, Ashlei Hardenburg, Kamran Jehle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bad Physics By: Preston Miller, Ashlei Hardenburg, Kamran Jehle

2 BAD SPACE Sound- not possible in space because there is no gas medium through which sound waves can travel. Explosions- not possible because there is no oxygen to continue the combustion Lasers- if as powerful as shown, they would not be visible because they would be pulsed lasers and travel at the speed of light. You would only be able to see the beginning and end points for a split second. Have fun dodging invisible lasers in mid-flight, you pesky storm troopers. VIDEO: edded 2

3 BAD ACTION What just happened? Due to momentum differences and the conservation of momentum theorem the man would have been carried off in the direction of the car.. For sure. Also, the car would not have been suspended in the air for so long – gravity would have pulled it down very quickly. CALCULATION: p = mv; (2,700kg*27m/s) = 72,900 N*s (for a ~6000lb van going 60 mph) ; (70kg * 4.4 m/s) = 308 N*s ( for a 154 lb human with a running head 10 mph to stop truck). Video: 3

4 BAD MORE ACTION Sometimes you can induce physical events that would be unlikely to occur naturally. Video: ature=player_embedded 4

5 BAD LASERS James Bond would not die from this laser because it real life it is depicted as a continuous laser, which would not be high enough in energy to kill him. Instead, it could blind him. Video: 5


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