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2011 MSP, HSPE, and EOC Presentation to the Board of Directors

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Presentation on theme: "2011 MSP, HSPE, and EOC Presentation to the Board of Directors"— Presentation transcript:

1 2011 MSP, HSPE, and EOC Presentation to the Board of Directors
Shelton School District September 13, 2011 Dr. Pam Farr Executive Director of Teaching and Learning

2 Changes in 2010-11 MSP Grades 3-8 HSPE Grade 10
New MSP Science Grade 5 New MSP Science Grade 8 HSPE Math Replaced by End of Course (EOC) Tests Math 1 (Algebra 1) Math 2 (Geometry)

3 Summary Our scores in Reading showed improvements in grades 3-6, but were flat or slightly down in grades 7-10. Our scores in Math improved at every grade level, in several cases substantially. Our scores in Writing were up at the 4th and 7th grade levels, but down slightly at the 10th grade. Our scores in Science improved at every grade.

4 MSP Trend – Grade 3 Reading
3rd Grade Reading Year District State 68.3% 72.2% 70.9% 65.3% 70.7% 67.4% 71.4% 62.7% 72.1% 66.4% 73.1% We started out similar to the performance of students across the state in 2006 in 3rd grade Reading. We dropped below for a number of years, but from last year to this year we made gains. You will notice much more variability in our scores than state scores. The smaller the sample size, or “N”, the more variability you are likely to see.

5 MSP Trend – Grade 3 Math 3rd Grade Math Year District State
64.7% 64.2% 65.3% 69.6% 68.6% 58.5% 66.3% 43.8% 61.8% 57.3% 61.5% We have had a downward trend in 3rd grade math for several years. This year, we turned that trend around closed the gap between our students’ performance and the performance of students across the state. You will see this upward trend at every grade. That’s cause for celebration!

6 MSP Trend – Grade 4 Reading
4th Grade Reading Year District State 75.5% 74.4% 74.8% 79.5% 78.1% 81.2% 75.1% 76.6% 69.8% 72.6% 63.5% 73.6% 61.6% 67.2% 61.8% 67.3% Our fourth grade Reading scores have largely mirrored performance across the state. We saw a very small gain in our scores, similar to what was seen across the state. We will continue to work on our RTI Reading initiatives to bring more of our students over the bar.

7 MSP Trend – Grade 4 Math 4th Grade Math Year District State
62.7% 59.9% 51.5% 60.8% 52.2% 58.9% 49.6% 58.1% 43.0% 53.6% 39.5% 52.3% 47.4% 53.7% 59.3% As a district, we have typically scored below the state in 4th grade Math. For several years we had a downward trend in scores that was more significant than the trend across the state, but for the past two years we have been making progress at closing the gap. Though this shows a district average, it is important to note that our fourth graders at Bordeaux actually scored higher than the state this year, with 72.5% of the students meeting standard.

8 MSP Trend – Grade 4 Writing
4th Grade Writing Year District State 49.6% 55.8% 51.1% 57.7% 45.9% 60.4% 45.4% 60.2% 58.5% 62.3% 58.1% 48.0% 61.1% 61.4% This graph really highlights the variability that you are likely to see in a smaller group size. We tend to perform below the state in writing at 4th grade, but performed better this year than last year. There was not much change at the state level.

9 MSP Trend – Grade 5 Reading
5th Grade Reading Year District State 71.2% 76.3% 66.7% 71.9% 73.7% 75.6% 70.7% 74.0% 56.2% 69.6% 62.3% 67.6% Last year, we definitely took at dip in 5th grade Reading. This year, we recovered much of that loss. At the state level, 5th graders have lost ground for the past two years. So our improvement this year has substantially closed the gap between our district and state scores.

10 MSP Trend – Grade 5 Math 5th Grade Math Year District State
43.9% 55.8% 47.4% 59.5% 51.7% 61.2% 52.9% 61.9% 36.4% 53.6% 45.3% You can see that we have traditionally scored below the state at 5th grade Math, though the pattern is similar from year to year. This past year, both Shelton and the state improved, but this is definitely an area where we need to focus. As you recall, last year we did substantial training in elementary Math and have purchased several supplemental Math programs to strengthen our core instruction. This year, our principals and coaches are working with Anita Lenges to enhance their ability to grow and support quality Math instruction in every classroom. We are pleased with the improvement elementary Math scores and know we’re on the right track, but we have more to do!

11 MSP Trend – Grade 5 Science
5th Grade Science Year District State 22.3% 28.2% 19.1% 35.6% 25.4% 35.7% 27.0% 36.5% 30.8% 43.0% 40.8% 44.9% 17.3% 34.0% 47.4% 55.6% As I mentioned at the beginning of the presentation, there is a new MSP science test which was re-normed. So, the test was not technically comparable to last year’s test. That means that the increases can’t all be attributed to increased learning. But we’d like to think that at least SOME of it can be!

12 MSP Trend – Grade 6 Reading
6th Grade Reading Year District State 53.6% 66.7% 55.2% 68.0% 63.2% 68.9% 70.3% 72.0% 51.4% 64.6% 57.1% 70.6% At 6th grade, we had a very good year in 2009! Last year we took a dip, as did the state, but we are working at gaining that back.

13 MSP Trend – Grade 6 Math 6th Grade Math Year District State
33.5% 49.5% 44.6% 49.6% 41.6% 49.1% 46.4% 50.9% 39.9% 51.9% 48.5% 58.8% From last year to this year, we saw gains in 6th grade Math, as did the state. But this year, we had the highest 6th grade Math scores that we have ever had. That’s great news!

14 MSP Trend – Grade 7 Reading
7th Grade Reading Year District State 48.3% 60.4% 67.7% 69.0% 48.1% 61.5% 57.5% 68.7% 56.9% 63.1% 59.3% 63.4% 51.1% 56.4% Our 7th grade Reading scores were a surprise. But you can see that state scores dipped similarly to the 7th grade Reading scores in Shelton. We will continue to focus on RTI interventions to gain back the ground we’ve lost this year.

15 MSP Trend – Grade 7 Math 7th Grade Math Year District State
36.0% 46.3% 35.7% 50.8% 27.5% 48.5% 33.3% 54.6% 41.5% 50.5% 45.4% 51.8% 46.7% 55.3% 49.1% 56.9% As was the case in 6th grade, you can see that our 7th grade Math scores are the highest they have ever been. We’ve seen a slow and steady upward trend much like the state.

16 MSP Trend – Grade 7 Writing
7th Grade Writing Year District State 53.5% 57.9% 60.5% 61.2% 60.4% 64.6% 58.1% 68.4% 57.3% 70.0% 56.7% 69.8% 59.6% 70.3% 71.2% 71.0% Our 7th grade writing scores have always been below the state. This year, for the first time, we actually slightly exceed the state scores. In 2011, at the 7th grade, we have seen the highest scores ever on two out of three state assessments. Kudos to the middle school staff!

17 MSP Trend – Grade 8 Reading
8th Grade Reading Year District State 51.1% 70.1% 38.0% 65.0% 57.8% 66.3% 56.3% 67.5% 61.3% 69.4% 60.0% 68.6% As you know, two years ago OBJH was identified as one of the “persistently underachieving” schools in the state. Since that time, the staff has worked diligently to improve the performance of their students using MANY techniques and strategies. This year, the scores took a slight dip in 8th grade Reading, comparable to that of the state. But you can see that the gap is closing between district and state scores. We believe that this is largely due to the Bust Out! Reading program.

18 MSP Trend – Grade 8 Math 8th Grade Math Year District State
34.3% 48.9% 31.2% 49.8% 36.3% 51.8% 33.7% 50.8% 44.3% 51.6% 57.3% 50.3% This graph shows something truly remarkable. At the state level, there was a slight dip in 8th grade Math scores. At OBJH, there was a sizable increase that put Shelton School District above state scores in Math for the first time. You may recall that the improvements in Reading and Math scores last year took OBJH off the “list.” They have only continued to improve. All 8th grade students took the 8th grade MSP. Some 8th and 9th graders also took the End of Course exams.

19 MSP Trend – Grade 8 Science
8th Grade Science Year District State 25.5% 35.8% 29.9% 39.4% 22.8% 36.4% 34.3% 42.9% 27.4% 44.6% 32.0% 48.2% 36.3% 51.1% 45.4% 54.5% 48.0% 61.5% Our 8th grade Science scores have followed the trend of the state. As I mentioned, this year there was a new MSP Science test at 8th grade. So the increases at both state and district may reflect, at least in part, the new test. Still, these are the highest 8th grade science scores we have seen to date.

20 HSPE Trend – Grade 10 Reading
10th Grade Reading Year District State 51.8% 64.5% 62.8% 72.9% 73.1% 82.0% 71.2% 80.8% 72.3% 81.8% 80.4% 81.2% 76.3% 78.9% 75.9% 82.3% In 10th grade, we saw a very slight decline in Reading scores, while scores across the state overall improved somewhat. But our district performance in Reading has been very similar to the state most years.

21 HSPE Trend – Grade 10 Math 10th Grade Math Year District State
31.3% 43.9% 35.3% 47.5% 43.8% 51.0% 32.0% 50.4% 34.1% 49.6% 32.4% 45.4% 24.1% 41.7% You can see that this graph only reflects the 10th grade Math scores through We had been on a downward trajectory for the past three years, and it was very frustrating for our staff. When you see the Math End of Course test results from 2011, happily you will see improvements!

22 HSPE Trend – Grade 10 Writing
10th Grade Writing Year District State 58.8% 65.2% 63.3% 72.3% 79.8% 81.6% 83.9% 84.5% 86.8% 72.4% 86.7% 83.7% 86.0% 79.7% State test scores in 10th grade writing have stayed flat for the past two years, while our district scores have dropped somewhat. But we have been able to gain some ground since a dip in scores in 2009.

23 HSPE Trend – Grade 10 Science
10th Grade Science Year District State 23.8% 35.8% 31.0% 35.0% 30.9% 36.4% 31.1% 40.0% 34.9% 38.8% 37.8% 44.8% 45.8% 49.7% Our 10th grade Science scores are at the highest level they have ever been. There was no revision of the 10th grade Science HSPE this year like there was at grades 5 and 8. This is because the plan for Science is to transition to an End of Course Biology test beginning next Spring.

24 All Grades EOC Math 1 and 2 All grades 8-12 combined
The younger the students, the higher the scores At OBJH 77.1% met standard in Algebra, and 100% met standard in Geometry! All Grades EOC Math 1 (Algebra) Year District State 55.6% 62.4% All Grades EOC Math 2 (Geometry) Year District State 74.2% 72.9% There were approximately 320 student at OBJH who took Algebra in 8th or 9th grade. There were 57 students who took Geometry, 55 9th graders and 2 8th graders.

25 Board Goals Goal 1: All students who have attended Shelton School District for at least two years will read at grade level by the end of third grade. (Not met) Goal 2: Shelton School District math scores will improve every year at every grade level. (Met) Goal 3: The graduation rate will improve every year, overall and for all groups of students identifiable by ethnicity or economic status. (Met)

26 Conclusion We have much to celebrate! Questions?

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