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Promoting Milk Infants and Juniors!.

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1 Promoting Milk Infants and Juniors!

2 Due to new school funding reforms, Lancashire County Council ceased to arrange school milk, and so Tonacliffe swapped to ‘Cool Milk’ to provide their milk. This meant that parents no longer paid for their milk through school and did it their selves through ‘Cool Milk’, resulting in a reduction in the number of infant children having milk. This term we have been promoting milk at school, trying to increase the number of children having school milk in the infants and giving the opportunity to junior children, which has not been done before.

3 What We Did “Let juniors have milk” – Luke yr5 “Posters” – William yr6
“We put it on the newsletter” – Ryan yr6 “Sent a letter home to every junior” – Thomas yr6

4 Why We Did It “It’s healthy” – Luke yr 5 and Mack yr6
“To be strong and healthy” – Jodie yr5 “It’s nice and still healthy” – Callum yr6 “It helps support the brain and mind” – Josh yr5 “To get strong bones, ready for high school” – Callum yr6 “It gets you stronger” – Kian yr5 “So if you don’t bring a drink to school you have a drink” – William yr6 “It helps you grow” – Lily yr6 “It keeps your bones healthy” – Rhiannon yr6 “It fuels your brain” – Mack yr6

5 Why School Is Better Now
“You get more work done” – Josh yr5 “and concentrate more” – Luke yr5 “It’s better than water” – Kelvin yr 5 “Milk is good” – Maisie yr5 “We’re healthier” – Callum yr6 “Not as thirsty” – William yr6 “Everything’s different and healthier” – Mack yr6

6 When It Is Better “Playtime because you might have maths or literacy next” – Josh yr5 “and it gives you energy” – Luke yr5 “Better in the morning because it wakes you up” – Ryan yr6 “In a morning your brain’s still asleep but it wakes you up and ready for lessons” – Callum yr6

7 School Council Involvement
Our school council agreed that letting junior children have school milk and trying to get more infant children to have milk was a priority for our school. We already did a lot of things for healthy eating but we all agreed that trying to increase the amount of children who had milk was an area we could work on. So……… The School council and Mrs Sutcliffe worked together to bring about a change…….

8 What the school council did:
Collected reasons why children do and do not have milk. Interviewed children about the changes we have seen. Promoted school milk through posters and discussing the issue with their peers.

9 What the school council will continue to do:
Promote milk by posters. Carry out an assembly about the benefits of having milk in school.

10 20%!! So the important bit! Our Change:
The amount of children having milk in school from nursery through to year 6 has increased by: 20%!!

11 One full term later in January 2014 -
At the beginning of term in September % of children in the school had milk. One full term later in January 46% of children in the school had milk. Well Done Everybody! This graph shows the increase of children having school milk, ranging from the baseline result at the end of the Summer term through the Autumn term to the beginning of the Spring term.

12 (Healthy Schools Coordinator)
Thank You Thank you to all those children, staff and parents that have helped this initiative. We are now a healthier school and all the hard work is definitely worth it! Well done! Mrs Sutcliffe (Healthy Schools Coordinator)

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