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Topic Sentences & Thesis Statements the heart of expository writing

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1 Topic Sentences & Thesis Statements the heart of expository writing
Tell your reader what you want to explain or prove.

2 Action Verb Statements I-V-F’ Diagram Using FYT
Go! Identify the Item Select a Verb Finish Your Thought The article “Bats, Bats, Bats” explains how bats see in the dark. Our class enjoyed our trip to the art museum. Mohandas Gandhi led peaceful protests. Students who own cell phones present unique challenges to school administration.

3 Sample Topic Sentence Verbs
acknowledges adds asks clarifies confirms confronts compares critiques demonstrates describes encourages endorses enumerates entertains explains features furnishes gives identifies illustrates invites lists name offers praises presents provides proposes recommends shows suggests teaches tells traces

4 Many Ways to Write a Topic Sentence 2nd Grade:
List Statement (WC series) 3rd Grade: Power/Number Statement 4th Grade: And, But, Or Statements (WC 4.1.3) 5th Grade: Occasion/Position Statement (WC 5.1.1) 6th Grade: However Statement (WC 6.1.3)

5 List Statement WC 2.1.4 commas in a series
To live, plants need sunlight, soil, and water. Gold Rush prospectors found serious hardships, unsanitary living conditions, and unfriendly competition. To find their missing puppy, the family looked throughout the house, asked neighbors, and hung lost posters.

6 Power (Number) Statements contain number words
Helpful Number Words Two, three, four, several, many, some, a few, numerous, a couple of, a number of, a myriad, various, plenty of I read two good books about turtles. Tourists traveling to Rome will want to visit three spectacular sites. Huck Finn learned some important lessons. My brother taught me several strategies to help me win at chess.

7 Avoiding “There Are” Start Power Statements with a: Who What Where
When There Are

8 “Things” Trap Weak: As I read about Ben Franklin, I learned three things. Better: As I read about Ben Franklin, I learned that he overcame several challenges in his life.

9 Don’t Get Caught in the Things Trap
abilities actions advances advantages adventures agreements attributes behaviors benefits characteristics choices concerns conflicts contributions corrections details difficulties effects events experiences facts features feelings frustrations ideas impressions improvements incidents items matters movements occasions occurrences parts performances periods places points powers problems projects promises qualities reasons remedies resources responses rules sections situations skills successes surprises talents themes thoughts troubles types weaknesses variations

10 And, But, Or Statements WC 4.1.3 compound sentences with commas
Conjunctive Adverbs and, but, so, yet, or, nor The girls were determined to win the game, but they knew it would not be easy. My grandmother likes to help others, so she volunteers at the hospital. In science class, we learned to identify the parts of a microscope, and we learned how to use a microscope correctly.

11 Occasion/Position Statement WC 5.1.1 complex sentences with commas
Adverbial/Subordinating Conjunctions because, since, if, although, even though, so that, unless, whether, after, as, as long as, as soon as, before, until, when, whenever, while, where, wherever, as if, in order that, so that Before you make the decision to light up a cigarette, consider the problems caused by smoking. Even though bike helmets are sometimes unfashionable and uncomfortable, all cyclist should wear them. If students use chemicals to do science experiments, it is important that they learn the proper way to dispose of them. Since he is naughty, Tom gets into many misadventures.

12 However Statements WC 6.1.3 compound with semicolons & commas
Conjunctive Adverbs however, in fact, meanwhile, likewise, still, as a result, consequently, furthermore My father is very strict; however, he has good reasons for all his rules. Maintaining a healthy diet is important; however, eating right is a challenge for many Americans. The new students were excited to join the volleyball team; still, many were unprepared for the demanding practice every day after school.

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