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Optimization Optimization MAKE YOUR QUERIES FASTER MATT MARTIN SQL Saturday Atlanta June 2017

2 About Enjoy Big Data projects and query tuning 9 years experience
MATT MARTIN | CHIEF TECHNOLOGY OFFICER | SQLETL Website: 9 years experience SQL Server, SSIS, EDIS, and Big Data Enjoy Big Data projects and query tuning

3 Agenda Mega Chainsaws Corp. Cool Stuff this course will teach you
Company Sales Database Overview Tables involved in Sales Query Identify bottlenecks Restructure query to run faster Q & A Cool Stuff this course will teach you How to generate random data of any size/type How to size all tables in a database How to read an execution plan and identify opportunities for performance gains

4 1. Mega Chainsaws Corp Time to Generate some data USE MEGA_CHAINSAWS

5 1. Mega Chainsaws Corp Tip 1: Know your data size USE MEGA_CHAINSAWS
Table Name Data Description CUST_ID Customer information (names) DPT Departments INVC_DTL Invoice line detail INVC_HDR Invoice header INVC_STAT_CD Invoice status PO_DTL Purchase order detail PO_HDR Purchase order header PO_STAT_CD PO status code PO_SUB_STAT_CD PO sub status code SKU Product sku/description/retail SKU_STAT_CD SKU status (active/clearance/inactive) SLS_REP_ID Sales Rep name SLS_REP_STAT_CD Employee Status Code (Active/Term) Tip 1: Know your data size USE MEGA_CHAINSAWS GO exec usp_get_tbl_sizes

6 2. Examine Slow Query Over a dozen table joins
Clustered Indexes on larger tables do not align (PO_DTL and INVC_DTL) LIKE statement in the WHERE clause multiple times, combined with OR

7 2. Bottlenecks to look for
SELECTS in the WHERE clause Range Joins Like Operators Non-covering indexes Clustered Indexes not aligning and forcing a hash join on large tables AND IHDR.INVC_DT = (SELECT MAX(INVC_DT) FROM INVC_HDR WHERE INVC_ID = IHDR.INVC_ID) AND IHDR.INVC_DT BETWEEN POH.ORD_DT AND DATEADD(DAY,90, POH.ORD_DT) OR lower(C.CUST_NM) LIKE '%alvarez%'

8 3. Current Execution Plan
Biggest Performance Killers Hash Matches Full Table Scans (no index)

9 3. Optimize this Query Break your query into smaller chunks
Leverage SELECT INTO statements (They are fast) Use temp tables to pre-process data

10 Walk through new Stored Proc
3. Optimize this Query Walk through new Stored Proc

11 4. Take-aways Do not fall in the trap of optimization to death. Is it really worth an extra 3-4 hours of work to shave off another 5 seconds on a query? Know your data size. Small tables are not worth your time to optimize queries against. Odds are it will run a full table scan anyways due to diminished returns on optimization Check your clustered indexes for header/detail relational tables. If you can leverage an Identity seed as the clustered index for the header and detail, almost always do it. Why? - The optimizer has to compare 1 column to merge the two tables against and its an integer so it will be fast

12 Optimization Optimization


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