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Blood System.

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1 Blood System

2 Blood Connective Tissue that is essential for transporting substances between body cells and defending the body Roughly 3x more viscous than water Men have 5-6 liters, Women have 4-5 liters

3 Plasma Yellow liquid that holds blood cells together
Makes up about 55% of blood volume

4 Erythrocytes Red blood cells, concave discs.
Shape allows for transportation of gases.

5 Hemoglobin Protein molecule in red blood cells that carries oxygen
Also plays a role in maintaining the shape of red blood cells. Give the red color to blood. When oxygen is released, results in deoxyhemoglobin, which is much darker

6 Oxyhemoglobin vs. Deoxyhemoglobin

7 Macrophages “Eat” and destroy damaged red blood cells.
Primarily in liver and spleen Body constantly produces new cells, therefore they need to get rid of the old ones.

8 Leukocytes White blood cells that protect against disease.
Account for less than 1% of blood volume Develop from red bone marrow

9 Function of Leukocytes
Some Phagocytize (eat) bacteria, some produce antibodies that destroy particles Can move in and out of blood vessels into other tissue

10 Leukemia Cancer of the white blood cells
Bone marrow produce abnormal leukocytes that don’t function properly

11 Thrombocytes Platelets that are not complete cells. They fragment off of larger cells in the bone marrow. Lack a nucleus and is half the size of a erythrocyte Help close breaks in blood vessels and initiate blood clots

12 Fibrin: Fibrous protein involved with blood clotting.
Hemostasis: The stoppage of bleeding - Coagulation: Blood clotting

13 Embolus A clot that dislodges and breaks loose and is carried away by the blood flow. Continues to flow until it reaches a narrow vessel and lodges. Can be very dangerous is lodges in heart, lungs, or brain. Drugs can be given to “break up” the clot

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