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Class Expectations and Procedures

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1 Class Expectations and Procedures
Mrs. Horton’s Class Expectations and Procedures 7th Grade Language Arts

2 Table of Contents Materials Needed BE-Attitudes TEAM Eagle 8 Rewards
Consequences Tardy Policy Dress Code Grades Grading Scale Late Grade Policy Procedures Beginning Class During Class Ending Class

3 Materials Needed Marble composition notebook 3-ring binder
Loose leaf paper Agenda/planner Blue and black ink pens Pencils Highlighters Box of tissue, please

4 BE - ATTITUDES BE on time! BE prepared! BE respectful!

5 BE ON TIME! Go to the restroom before this class or wait 10 minutes.
Go to your locker before class at designated times. Get water before class. Be in your seat when the bell rings. If you are going to be late, get a pass.

6 BE PREPARED! Bring your notebook , agenda, and textbooks to class.
Sharpen your pencils before class starts. Be in your seat and start your warm-up. Have all necessary materials for class.

7 BE RESPECTFUL! Respect yourself. Respect others. Respect property.
Respect the privilege to get an education. TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WOULD WANT TO BE TREATED!

TEAM means working together as a unit. You are part of the 7th Grade Team. We are Scholars! T – Talk or leave your seat only with permission. (Please raise your hand!) E – Expect to be respected and respect others. (NO INSULTS!) A - Always be prepared and on time. (DO NOT be late!) M – Maintain a positive attitude and work hard. (DO NOT waste time!) SCHOLAR means you are a student, a learner, a wise person.

9 EAGLE 8 1. Be prepared to learn. 2. Be kind. 3. Learn to master.
4. Be respectful to all people and property. 5. Read, Read, Read! 6. Be healthy. 7. Keep the nest clean. 8. Walk to the right.

10 REWARDS Sense of Accomplishment Good/Improved Grades
Praise and Encouragement Positive Notes/Calls Teacher-Designed Incentives Honor Roll and Honor Cards

11 CONSEQUENCES Warnings (verbal and nonverbal) Classroom Interventions
Parent Contact Student/Team Conference BSD (Before-School Detention) or ASD Referral to Grade Level Administrator Intervention Team

12 Severe Clause Certain behaviors deemed extreme, inappropriate, and severe (such as fighting, cursing someone, threats, etc.) will result in an immediate removal from the classroom and referral to the administrator! Dress code and tardy policy violations will be handled according to school and CMS guidelines.

13 TARDY POLICY 1st Tardy – Record tardy, inform student,
and contact parent. 2nd & 3rd Tardy – Record tardy, inform student and parent, and assign BSD or ASD. 4th Tardy and all others – Record tardy, inform student and parent, and write a referral.

14 DRESS CODE VIOLATIONS 1st offense – Written warning and phone call home 2nd offense - Before or After-School Detention (BSD or ASD) 3rd offense – Administrative consequence

15 GRADES INFORMAL 35% FORMAL 65% (Tests, Assessments, Projects)
(Classwork, Homework, and Quizzes) FORMAL % (Tests, Assessments, Projects)

16 Grading Scale A B C D F Below 60

17 LATE GRADE POLICY If work is NOT COMPLETE and/or NOT turned in on the DUE DATE, it is considered LATE! You may turn it in after the due date for partial credit. The grade can be no higher than a 80. Some exceptions will be made.


19 Beginning Class Enter room in an orderly fashion.
Sharpen pencil and/or get pen and materials out. Be in your seat starting your warm- up when the bell rings. Sign in tardy notebook if late. Get focused.

20 During Class Listen and follow directions.
Do not get out of your seat without permission. Stay on task. Raise your hand to ask questions or respond. If you finish early, read, work on other work, or just sit quietly.

21 Ending Class Make sure you have your homework written down.
Clean around your desk and pack your belongings. Wait for the teacher (not the bell) to dismiss you.

22 Follow these expectations and procedures, and we will have a very successful year!
Love, Mrs. Horton


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