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First day Mrs. Gibson English III.

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Presentation on theme: "First day Mrs. Gibson English III."— Presentation transcript:

1 First day Mrs. Gibson English III

2 Schedule 1st: English III with 5th: English III Ms. JAckson 6th: Lunch
2nd: Conference 7th: English III with Mr. Dyson 3rd: English III 8th: English III with 4th: English III Ms. Johnson If you need to see me outside of class, I get here around 8 in the morning and leave by 4:30. If you have lunch 6th period, you may also come in during that time if you plan ahead and get a pass from me.

3 facts Mrs. Gibson attended the University of Texas at Austin, earning herself a spectacular(ly expensive) Bachelor’s Degree in English While at Texas, Mrs. Gibson was also in the Longhorn Band as a Silk.

4 Also, she studied abroad in Oxford, England one summer.

5 Things!

6 Room tour Where do I find…

7 Rules and expectations
Bring your materials to class every day. BY WEDNESDAY: 2” 3-ring binder, 5 tab plastic dividers, highlighters (pink, orange, yellow, green, blue), red pen (for annotations only), wide-ruled notebook paper, photo(s), whatever materials to decorate and personalize

8 Rules and expectations
Please, ask to go to the bathroom. Take the pass. Bring the pass back. Only one person may be gone at a time. Each building has its own color for bathroom passes, fyi. Tardies – Door closes 30 seconds after the bell (more or less). Once closed, you must sign tardy log to gain entry into class. Habitual tardiness will be dealt with accordingly. 3 tardies = detention.

9 Rules and expectations
Food In principle, it’s allowed. You will see me eat more often than not. BUT if you are leaving trash and crumbs and condensation/water rings behind, then you will lose the food and drink privilege. Remember: it only takes ONE PERSON to ruin it for EVERYONE.

10 Rules and expectations
NO ELECTRONICS! You get one warning to put away the offending device. If I see it, I will take it. It will be snatched and become irretrievable until the period is over.

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