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Planner or homework sheet

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1 Planner or homework sheet
Middle School Reading Workshop Mrs. Phillips communication 1 – This is the best way to reach me. I try and return correspondence the same day if at all possible. Students will participate in small group and one-to-one instruction, spending significant time in independent reading of fiction and nonfiction text, working to meet personal reading goals centered on mastery of various literacy strategies. Course Objective preparation class materials 1 2 3 Come prepared to class with your planner, iPad, writing utensils, & your independent reading book. Grab your binder, sharpen your pencils. and be ready to start class as soon as the bell rings. Work should be completed in class. Nightly homework is independent reading for a minimum of 15 minutes. 3 ring binder ______ Pencils & pens ___________ Planner or homework sheet ________ __ Independent reading book grades responsibility Weekly and daily work will be updated weekly (daily work, participation, and test/quizzes). Please check grades regularly and feel free to ask me any questions that you might have about a particular grade. If you are absent, you are responsible for completing your make-up work (one day for make-up for each day absent). This can be done before or after school or via . 30% 30% 40% Daily work Participation Quizzes and Tests !!

2 homework Growth Mindset Home Access Policy for absences & grades
There is a difference between NOT KNOWING & NOT KNOWING YET. 1 Students are responsible for getting make-up work. 2 If absent on a test day, the student will take the test the day he/she returns. 3 Students will be given the numbers of days absent plus one day to complete missed assignments. 4 Students participating in sports will be responsible for asking the teacher to sign eligibility forms as needed. 5 Late work (not related to an absence) will be accepted but with point deductions. 6 This class is designed to have most assignments completed DURING class time. Smart is something you become, not something you are. Home Access This is a web-based parent tool that allows you to check your student’s attendance, scheduled courses, demographic information, and class work. If you haven’t signed up, stop by the front office for information. This is an EXCELLENT way to keep up with your student’s grades. homework electronic devices Students should read 15 minutes every night. No reading logs will be collected, but Mrs. Phillips will collect information at the beginning of the year to meet the interests and needs of individual students’ reading lives. Most work will be able to be completed in class if students use their time wisely. If students do not complete work during class, in the time allotted, it will be assigned as homework so students can adhere to the determined deadlines. Electronic devices are allowed to be used before and after school and at lunch. Please respect the learning environment and do not attempt to text during off times. Don’t forget Gentry Middle School website is a great resource.

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