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Our Class What You Need To Know

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Presentation on theme: "Our Class What You Need To Know"— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Class What You Need To Know

2 Class Page

3 Syllabus signature page

4 Supplies • 1 Binder • 3 Dividers with pockets and labels (Bell Ringers, Vocabulary, Writing/Home Learning) • College ruled lined paper • Index Cards • Pencils • Pens • Highlighters in various colors • Post-it notes (multi-colored) • Colored pencils • USB • Access to computer with Internet

5 Reading/Period 2 1st class novel (due by September 7/8)
iReady (weekly assignments)

6 Period 3 Class novel: Due 9/7/17

7 PLAGIARISM / CHEATING No form of plagiarism, copying work, or cheating will be tolerated. All assignments must be original work produced by the student. Evidence of cheating or plagiarism, both parties are considered at fault and will receive a detention, a parent phone call, and no credit (Z). Repeated offenses will be result in a referral to administration.

8 Behavior Policies GENERAL PROCEDURES In order to succeed in this class, each student should know what is expected of them. The following are responsibilities that will guarantee a great year: • Come to class regularly and ON TIME • Have materials ready and available at ALL TIMES • Complete and turn in assignments ON TIME CLASSROOM RULES 1. Enter class in complete uniform. 2. Be seated and ready to work when the bell rings. 3. Raise your hand when you wish to address the teacher or the class. 4. Bring all supplies daily. 5. Bring homework daily. All work must be turned in on time. 6. Respect your teacher, your peers, and the opinion of everyone. 7. Cell phones or any other electronic devices are to be turned off at all times.

9 Behavior Policies Part 2
CONSEQUENCES FOR BREAKING CLASSROOM RULES 1. Verbal warnings 2. 3rd verbal warning results in detention 3. Parent contact 4. Referral to administration ACADEMIC DETENTIONS: 3 MISSED ASSIGNMENTS (Z)

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