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Wednesday, August 23rd.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, August 23rd."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday, August 23rd

2 Agenda Reminders English I: English 3: “The Race Is On!”
Collections: “From The United States Constitution…”

3 As You Enter… English I & 3: You will not need your binders today
Simply get out a sheet of paper and a pen to write with Have a seat please and await my instructions

4 Reminder Tomorrow your class supplies and signed syllabus are due!
As long as you have all 5 items, you will receive extra credit! The 5 items are: 1 ½” 3-ringed Binder 5 dividing tabs Single Subject Notebook (or Composition book) Paper Signed Syllabus and Photo Release Form Do not miss out! I will have Binder and Bell Ringer checks every few weeks for a grade, if you are missing some or all of the required items, you will receive a zero for every check! This is an easy way to help you by earning extra credit.

5 English I The Race Is On! Get into a group no smaller than 3, and no larger than 5 Select one person to write down your group’s answers for submission This is a competition, so no cell phones! If I see a phone in your hand or on your desk I will assume you are cheating and disqualify your entire team. Add up your total points and put it at the top of your paper before you turn it in. Make sure all of your names are on the paper you submit Try to answer as many questions as possible before the bell rings, the winning group will receive extra credit towards their first Vocab Quiz. Everyone will receive credit for completing the assignment

6 English 3 Collections Textbook: Complete (on your own):
Read: “from The United States Constitution: Preamble and Bill of Rights Pg. 121 – 124 Complete (on your own): Collaborative Discussion: Pg.124 (English 3 & Honors) Analyze The Text, Pg. 126 #2 – 5 (Honors Only) Announcement: Friday (8/25) we will be meeting in the Media Center So, please report there instead of coming here.

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