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Presentation on theme: "UNIX MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION."— Presentation transcript:


2 Check your Knowledge Press to Start

3 1. The letter "A" (upper case) in ASCII code is
61 hex 41 hex 40 hex 65 hex

4 2. Hexadecimal is a number system to the base
6 10 16 60

5 3. If you open a Microsoft Word document with a Unix text editor you would see
Garbage Exactly the same screen as in Microsoft Word A document modified for Unix

6 4. The first Unix editor was
Vi Vx Ed emacs

7 5. The "vi" editor is important to learn because
It is easiest editor to learn It is the newest editor It is available on most Unix systems Both B and C

8 6. The Vi editor when compared to word processors will seem
Easy to use Difficult to use slower None of the above

9 7. The Vi editor has 2 separate modes
Input and output Insert and edit Edit and command Input and command

10 8. To end insert mode and get to edit mode press
Crtl-c Crtl-d Escape key Delete key

11 9. The run control file in Vi is called
.cshrc .virc .bashrc .exrc

12 10. Use the following command to save and exit from Vi.
A) ZZ B) :wq C) :q! Both A and B

13 11. The command syntax to display the file ‘sample
11. The command syntax to display the file ‘sample.txt’ one page at a time is man sample.txt>more cat sample.txt<more cat sample.txt|more None of these

14 12. Which one shows the name of the operating system?
uname -n uname -r uname -o uname -m

15 13. Which command gives the first byte where the difference is in the file1 & file2?
cmp comm Is-a

16 14. To open a file file1 with cursor at line number 4
vi +num file1 vi +set num file1 vi + “set num” file1 vi +/se nu file1

17 15. What communication command provides communication to another user logged on by writing to the bottom of their terminal? talk write transmit chat

18 16. Which command will you use to see the available routes?
Show routes Show status netstat -r None of the mentioned

19 17. Which of the following is not true
Sorting is done on the basics of first character of each line Sort command sorts a file word by word rather than line by line Sort command has s provision to do a numeric sort  Sort is not filter

20 18. To change the access time of a file to 12:40 PM on 26th Jan 1997 the command would be
Touch –a file Touch –a file Touch –a file Touch –a file 

21 19. The command to search the pattern “Hi there” in file I would be
Grep “Hi there” file 1 Grep Hi there file 1 Grep \<Hi there\> file1  Grep ‘Hi there’ file 1

22 20. The command head f1 would display
First line of the file f1  First 10 lines of the file f1  Nothing The whole file f1 

23 21. After you have entered text in your file, to save and quit vi you will use
Esc shift ZZ Shift ZZ Esc:q Enter  None of these

24 22. To search a pattern which starts with uni the command would be

25 23. In command :l,.s/part/PART/g,g stands for
grep Global A numeric value which is to be substituted by a number  Ignore case whilesearching

26 24. An example of a LAN network
Groups of geographically dispersed machines Computers in a single building networked together Several LANs spread over several states networked together The internet

27 25. Which of the following is not a network topology?
Diamond Star Ring Hub

28 26. Most Ethernet networks use the
Bus topology Ring topology Hub topology Diamond topology

29 27. Which topology is increasing in popularity?
Ring Bus Star Hub

30 28. In an Ethernet network, which kind of cable is both affordable and widely used?
Thin coaxial Thick coaxial Twisted pair Fiber optics

31 29. Ethernet networks which use coaxial cable
Use hubs Do not use hubs Are expensive The cable is flexible

32 30. Which of the following is not true about the "router".
Uses very little machine CPU cycles Determine the destination of packet Most popular routers are Cisco routers Ordinary personal computers can be made into routers

33 31. Domain Name Servers are required to translate alphabetical machine names into
Packets Routers IP numbers Hubs

34 32. When we are executing a shell script the shell acts asa
32. When we are executing a shell script the shell acts asa. An interpreter  Interpreter Compiler An operating system None of these

35 33. On executing a statement set -3+1
$1 would be -3  $1 would be - $1 would be set  Error

36 34. Which of the following is NOT a shell keyword
Shift Randomly Unset Is

37 35. The statement z=’expr 5/2’ would store in z a value
2.5 3 2

38 36. The expression expr -7 % 2evaluates to
1 -1 -3.5

39 37. Hierarchy decides which operator
Is most important Is use first Is fastest Operates on largest numbers

40 38. The command is used to compare the files is known as
cmp ccp Do

41 39. Which command is used to terminate a process
Shutdown haltsys Cancel Kill

42 40. Which option will be used with sort command to start sorting after the nth column of the (m+1)th field +m.n  –m.n  +n.m+1  +(m+1).n

43 41. The cp command uses Standard input file Standard output file
Both input and output file Neither input nor output file

44 42. What special variable has the exit status?
$? $# !$ $*

45 43. Another name for exit status is
Exit code Return code Return value Quit value

46 44. Passing information between programs is called.
Program intertalk Program communication Interprocess communication Task communication

47 45. A more complete means of communication between programs is called.
Flags Chat Signals

48 46. A signal trap is a set of instruction
In the initialing process In between the communicating processes In the receiving process None of the above

49 47. Each signal name begins with the letters
None of the above

50 48. Which special variable contains the PID of its own process?
$job $$ $ $ps

51 49. Which signal is used to kill a running process?

52 50. Which variable gives the exit status of the last command executed in the shell?
$* $! $?

53 The Results


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