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Clarence Technology Committee

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1 Clarence Technology Committee
November 16, 2015

2 Agenda Smart Schools Bond Act Overview SSBA
District Process for Funding Teacher & Staff Wish List Smart Schools Investment Plan The initial $500,000

3 Smart Schools Overview
On November 2, 2014, voters authorized NYS to borrow $2 billion of general obligation bonds to finance improved educational technology and infrastructure to improve learning opporunties. Clarence allocation is $1,965,009. District’s must develop and receive approval of a Smart Schools Investment Plan from the Smart Schools Review Board. Once the SSIP is approved, a school district will be eligible to begin receiving grant funds to reimburse costs of the approved projects and purchases. Payments will be authorized within 90 days of plan approval in most cases. Districts need not expend their entire allocation before receiving reimbursement.

4 Smart School Planning Process
Districts need to submit a Smart Schools Investment Plan. Districts must also submit data related to their technology inot NYSED’s new Technology Plan Survey. The Smart Schools Investment Plan and the data input into the Technology Plan Survey should align with a larger, comprehensive District Technology Plan.


6 Instructional Technology Plan Review Process
School district modifies plan in the portal and sends to RIC reviewer Reviewer returns plan to school district for modification Begin here No Certified RIC Reviewer reviews plan. Recommends Approval? School district exports PDF and sends to RIC certified reviewer BOCES/RIC facilitates planning process School district enters plan in NYSED portal Yes School district evaluates plan for next annual update School district submits plan to NYSED through the portal, NYSED reviews. Final Approval? School district monitors plan School district implements plan School district posts plan on web Yes No Please note: This process may vary slightly by region and does not apply to the Big 5 school districts.

7 Effective Smart Schools Plans…
Include linkages between the district’s long-term educational planning and technology investments. Provide learning opportuntiies beyond the classroom through the use of technology. Address the educational needs of all students, including students with disabilities, ELL, and those who have not succeeded in traditional classroom settings. The planning process must include consultants, teachers, students, and community members that will certify in their submissions of the SSBA the the required investment has occurred. Upon request, school districts must loan, at not charge, technology obtained as part of the Smart Schools Bond Act to children attending nonpublic schools located within their district boundaries. No school district may loan SSBA classroom technology in an aggregate amount greater than $250 multipled by the nonpublic school enrollment in the base year at the time of enactment ( ).


9 Smart Schools Categories
Learning Technologies Acquire learning technology equipment or facilities, including but not limited to interactive whiteboards, computer servers, and desktop, laptop, and tablet computers. Broadband & Wireless Internet Install high-speed broadband or wireless internet connectivity for schools and communities. Security Features Install high-tech security feastues in school buildingse and on school campuses, including by not limited to video surveillance, emergency notification systems, and physical access controls. Pre-K & Other Instructional Space Construct, enhance, and modernize educational facilities to accommodate pre- kindergarten programs and to provide instructional space to repace classroom trailers.


11 Learning Technology Equipment or Devices
Examples of allowable expenditures inculde: Interactive whiteboards; Computer servers; Desktop, laptop, and tablet computers, and Other technolgy that enhance teaching and learning. Examples of non-allowable expenditures include: Software; and Subscriptions services

12 Learning Technology Equipment or Devices
Proposed technology purchases should address the following goals: Enhance differentiated instruction and expand student learning beyond the classroom. Ensure equal access to these improved educational services and learning opportunties for SWD and ELL – contributing to reduction of learning gaps. Enhance ongoing communication with parents and other stakeholders. Leverage technology to facilitate regional partnerships, inculding distance learning, to provide additional technology-related learning opportunties for students. Expand wireless internet connectivity/Wi-Fi. Be consisent with the district’s short and long term educational goals. Must conform to all current laws regarding school district procurement practices. All devices must be purchased at or below proces available on federal and state contracts.

13 District Consults w/Stakeholders and Prepares Preliminary Plan
The Smart Schools Investment Plan (SSIP) District Process District Consults w/Stakeholders and Prepares Preliminary Plan Preliminary Plan Board Approval District Posts Preliminary Plan 30 Days Public Notice and Hearing District Prepares Final Plan Final Plan Board Approval District Submits Final Plan [START]

14 District Submits Final Plan
The Smart Schools Investment Plan (SSIP) Approval Process District Submits Final Plan [START] SED Staff Review and Approve Plan SSBA Review Board Review and Approve Plan District Begins Project(s) District Submits Reimbursement Request(s) SED/State Reimburses District

15 Office of Facilities Planning Review Process
District Submits Letter of Intent (LOI) OFP Reviews OFP Determines Streamlined OFP Issues Project Number OFP Determines Full Review OFP Issues Project Number District Submits SSIP [START]











26 Item  Unit Cost Qty Cost CHS CMS LV SH HH CC Spec Ed iPad $660.95 796 $526,116.20 6 198 65 227 71 200 29 iPad Cart $3,363.11 25 $84,077.75 1 7 2 8 3 Chromebook $350.00 831 $290,850.00 36 600 30 20 120 Cart $2,077.92 81 $168,311.52 27 26 4 10 Laptop $809.00 1519 $1,228,871.00 800 143 115 100 241 Epson $2,185.71 66 $144,256.86 32 21 ColorLJ $728.69 18 $13,116.42 9 BWLJ $748.50 11 $8,233.50 5 Ziggi $125.00 $3,125.00 12 SnapScan $478.40 $10,046.40 15 3,393 $2,477,004.65 931 1023 224 362 323 486 44

27 Building Total Wish List High School $816,825.56 Middle School $583,388.13 Ledgeview $175,930.33 Clarence Center $385,429.85 Sheridan Hill $274,734.59 Harris Hill $214,905.85 Spec Ed $43,181.10 $2,477,004.65

28 Item Unit Cost Chomebook $350 Laptop $809 Laptop Cart $2,077 iPad $660 iPad Cart $3,363 Epson $2,185.00 BW-LJ $748.50

29 Initial Purchase - SSBA
Chromebook Laptop C/L Carts iPad iPad Carts Epson BW-LJ Elementary 240 8 120 4 Middle School 90 60 3 2 5 High Schools TOTAL Quantity 420 14 16 832 Cost $147,000 $97,080 $29,078 $158,400 $26,904 $30,590 $11,976 $501,028

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