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Made by: Brandy Ethridge

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1 Made by: Brandy Ethridge
Seizures Made by: Brandy Ethridge

2 What is a seizure A seizure is usually defined as a sudden alteration of behavior due to a temporary change in the electrical function of the brain. Seizures are caused by environmental and hereditary.

3 Types of seizures Primary Generalized Seizure- begins with a wide spread of electrical discharge that involves both sides of the brain at once. Hereditary plays a role and more likely to involve genetic factors. Partial Seizures- begin with an electrical discharge that involves one limited area on the brain.

4 Symptoms of seizures Déjà vu Smell Sound Taste Visual loss or blurring
Racing thoughts Stomach feelings Strange feelings Tingling feeling Fear/Panic Pleasant feeling, Dizziness Headache Lightheadedness Nausea Numbness Some seizures come without warning

5 Epilepsy Epilepsy is a type of disorder due to repeated seizures also known as Dravet Syndrome Diagnosis is made by doctor based on symptoms physical signs and test such as EEG, CT or CAT scan, or MRI.

6 Treatment You cannot help when you have seizures but when you are diagnosed with this disorder then they can give you medication, surgery, and more.

7 Environmental/ hereditary
Environmental seizures is what is caused by something in the environment like car crash, hitting your head, and etc. Hereditary is when the seizures are inherited to the child by the parents

8 Is Seizures inherited? One way seizures is related to biology is epilepsy can be hereditary. But the risk isn't that much the risk is about 4% if one parent has it and if both parents has it the risk of having it goes from 4% to 20-30%. Also in general population developing epilepsy is 1%.

9 Other facts about seizures
About 125,000 new cases are diagnosed each year in the U. S. Can effect anyone at any age Mostly found in children or young adults Seizures are not contagious You can have more then one type of seizure Treatments are widely varied

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