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Orthopaedic Research Committee

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Presentation on theme: "Orthopaedic Research Committee"— Presentation transcript:

1 Orthopaedic Research Committee
Month day, year Your Name Class Name Mission Statement *To connect students with the information and faculty needed to guide and maximize medical student’s time to choose, start and complete research of the highest quality.

2 Committee Includes Faculty Leader = Dr. Vinod Dasa (
Faculty Leader = Dr. Robert Zura Committee Director = Ms. Cara Rowe Statistician = Ms. Claudia Leonardi Committee Chair = Stuart Schexnayder Senior Advisor to the Chair = Matthew Fury Chair Elect = Hunter Starring L2

3 Panel of Orthopaedic Matched Students Quick Note on IRB Topic Talk =
Goals for Today Panel of Orthopaedic Matched Students Quick Note on IRB Topic Talk = How to Write a Manuscript (Matt Fury) Taking a Year Off (Linus Igbokwe) Submission Deadlines for Posters Active Projects/Progress/Questions Announcement of New Chair Elect List of Projects to Start Now Questions

4 Panel of Orthopaedic Matched Students
Introduction General Tips (what you wish you knew) First Year Second Year Third Year Fourth Year Questions

5 Quick Note on IRB For Forms:
cx= %3Adorjvt5fw4i&cof=FO RID%3A10&ie=UTF- 8&q=lsu+ortho&submit.x=0&submit.y=0 For Determining IRB Type: cx= %3Adorjvt5fw4i&cof=FO RID%3A10&ie=UTF-8&q=irb&submit.x=0&submit.y=0

6 Topic Talk How to Write a Manuscript (Matt Fury)
Taking a Year Off (Linus Igbokwe)

7 Submission Deadlines for Posters
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS): June Date of Meeting: 3/6/ /10/2018 New Orleans, LA American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons (AAHKS): June Date of Meeting: 11/2/ /5/17 Dallas, TX Orthopedic Research Society (ORS): September 2017 Date of Meeting: 03/10/ /13/2018, New Orleans LA *Any total joint papers should be submitted for both AAHKS and AAOS

8 Active Projects/Progress/Questions
Continue to keep us updated Possible that we will move to more online tracking through REDCap

9 Short List of Projects to Start Now
Dr. Lopez Degenerative hip disease project with Dr. Krause Some biomechanics/mechanical testing projects Imaging projects related to hip disease Potentially, some clinical trials in regenerative medicine Dr. Krause Survey of Opioid Prescription Patterns for Common Orthopedic Procedures Outcomes for THA in patients under 30 Rates of femur fracture following bisphosphonate vs. PTH Dr. Kumar An evidence based lit review for the physical exam for the spine, to cover cervical, thoracic and lumbar

10 Dr. Dasa What patient characteristics (ccmi, age, gender, bmi, race…) impact outcomes in inpatient vs outpatient tka patients at 3, 6, 12 mos following tka (follow to Giambelluca/lensing/parsons paper): Are there certain patients who do better inpatient vs outpatient, hypothesis is that even sick patients are better off going home than staying in hospital Does this vary by age, gender, race, BMI, and CCMI Does # of physical therapy visits correlate with improved outcomes following tka at 3,6,12 mos How many PT visits are needed to reach various outcomes (ie 5 visits = 20% improvement, 10 visits = 40% improvement….), can only look at patients who did therapy at ochsner Does this vary by age, gender, BMI, race, and CCMI Who needs the most therapy and who needs the least therapy to achieve a certain level of outcome Using reachnet database, what patient characteristics are associated with ER visits following TKA at 30, 60, 90 d after surgery age, race, gender, BMI, medical co morbidities, geography Using reachnet database, are rates of DVT and PE decreasing as length of stay decreases especially in high risk patients Does this vary by age, gender, BMI, race the hospital actually more dangerous than being at home

11 Announcement of New Chair Elect

12 Questions & Discussion

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