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Chapter 11 - Cardiovascular System

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1 Chapter 11 - Cardiovascular System

2 Functions of Circulatory System
Cardi/o, coron/o Pumps the blood Cardi/o/my/o/pathy Cardiologist Coronary arteries

3 Functions of Circulatory System
Angi/o, arter/o, arteri/o, phleb/o, ven/o, vas/o, vascul/o Carry the blood Angioplasty Arteriosclerosis Endarterectomy Phlebotomy Venipuncture Vasodilation Vascular

4 Functions of Circulatory System
Hem/o, hemat/o Blood carries nutrients and oxygen Thromb/o – clot Thrombolysis Thrombophlebitis Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) Embolus

5 Layers of the Heart Endo/cardi/um My/o/cardi/um Peri/cardi/um
endocarditis My/o/cardi/um Peri/cardi/um pericardi/o pericarditis pericardiocentesis

6 Chambers Atri/o, ventricul/o Atrioventricular node Partition is septum
Interventricular septum ASD – page 416 VSD - page 416

7 Valves Valv/o, valvul/o valvuloplasty MVP


9 Circulation Systemic Pulmonary vein Left atrium Mitral valve
Left ventricle Aortic valve Aorta BODY Vena cava R. lung L. lung

10 Coronary Arteries

11 Circulation Pulmonary Vena cava -Pulmonary valve
Right atrium -Pulmonary artery Tricuspid valve -LUNGS Right ventricle -Pulmonary vein

12 Congestive Heart Failure (CHF), pg 402
The heart is unable to pump its required amount of blood. Left side: blood backs up in lungs, pulmonary edema. Right side: blood backs up in vena cava, swollen legs and neck.

13 Heart sounds, heart beat

14 Heart sounds, heart beat
Systole Ventricles contract Pulmonary & aortic valves open End of systole Pulmonary & aortic valves close = DUB Diastole Atria & ventricles relaxed Tricuspid & mitral valves open End of diastole Atria contract Tricuspid & mitral valves close = LUB

15 SA node = pacemaker of the heart
AV node Bundle of His Left bundle branch Right bundle branch Pathology Heart block Fibrillation Common, associated with stroke

16 Conduction System ECG, EKG NSR tachycardia bradycardia

17 Sphygmomanometer Blood pressure Brachial artery compressed
Systolic is higher Diastolic is lower Expressed as fraction such as 120/80 Hypertension

18 Ven/o →HEART →Arteri/o
Largest vein= vena cava Largest artery= aort/o heartaortaarteryarteriolecapillary venuleveinvena cavaheart Veins have valves to prevent backflow Arteries have thicker walls, under more pressure from the pump

19 Myocardial Infarction (MI)
Atherosclerosis Ischemia Necrosis

20 Coronary artery disease (CAD)

21 Cardiac Catheterization, Angiography

22 Coronary artery disease: Diagnosis and treatment
CAD, cath, PCI, CABG

23 Aneurysm – page 421

24 Last two diseases Deep vein thrombosis Peripheral vascular disease
Remember the study section on page 424

25 Endarterectomy


27 Chapter 12 Respiratory System

28 Breathing -pnea Spir/o Dyspnea (PND & DOE) Apnea Orthopnea Hyperpnea
Tachypnea Spir/o Spirometer Respiration URI

29 Take a deep breath! Nas/o, rhin/o Nasolabial Rhinorrhagia, epistaxis
Rhinorrhea Anosmia Sinus/o Pansinusitis

30 The throat: pharyng/o Nasopharynx Oropharynx Laryngopharynx
Pharyngeal tonsils AKA adenoids Adenoidectomy Nasopharyngitis Oropharynx Palatine tonsils AKA tonsils Tonsillectomy Laryngopharynx Two branches: larynx & esophagus

31 Epiglottis

32 Laryng/o: voice box laryngoscopy laryngitis dysphonia Trache/o: windpipe furc/o: bifurcation tracheostomy Pertussis: whooping cough Bronch/o, bronchi/o asthma (MDI) bronchiectasis chronic bronchitis (COPD) bronchoscopy

33 Bronchioles and Alveoli
Bronchiol/o Bronchiolitis Alveol/o Air exchange occurs here Alveolar: air sacs Atelectasis Emphysema (COPD)

34 Lungs Pneum/o, pneumat/o, pneumon/o, pulmon/o Pneumoconiosis
Anthracosis Asbestosis Silicosis Pneumonia Community acquired Nosocomial Pulmonary edema (CHF) Pulmonary embolism Pulmonary infarction Pneumothorax Pneumonectomy Pulmonary function tests (PFT)

35 Lungs, Lobes Lungs Lob/o Apex Base Hilum Pneumonectomy 3 right, 2 left
Lobectomy, pg 465

36 Pleura Two layers: Pleurodynia Pleurisy Pleural effusion
Visceral pleura Parietal pleura Pleurodynia Pleurisy Pleural effusion Thoracentesis – page 480

37 Mediastinum Area between the lungs Mediastin/o Mediastinoscopy

38 Chest Thorac/o -thorax CXR = chest x-ray Thoracentesis Thoracotomy
Thorascopy -thorax Pneumothorax Hemothorax Pyothorax = empyema CXR = chest x-ray

39 Diaphragm (phren/o)

40 Auscultation and Percussion (CTA)

41 Know ALL word parts! Also, study section page 476 Abbreviations: COPD

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