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Part II. Flavor conversion in matter.

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1 Part II. Flavor conversion in matter

2 Matter effects

3 Variety of matter effects
Standard Active-sterile Non-standard matter matter mixing Non-standard interactions effects effects due to the CC n e-scattering exchange of - vector scalar particles unparticle nm - nt potential due to loop corrections nn - scattering Extreme conditions high densities hot medium high magnetic fields, polarized medium - density fluctuations

4 Matter potential for ne nm ne e Elastic forward Potentials scattering
L. Wolfenstein, 1978 Matter potential for ne nm ne e Elastic forward scattering Potentials Ve, Vm W V ~ eV inside the Earth for E = 10 MeV e ne difference of potentials Ve- Vm = 2 GFne Refraction index: n - 1 = V / p ~ inside the Earth Neutrino optics n – 1 = < inside the Sun ~ inside the neutron star 2p V Refraction length: l0 =

5 Matter potential Hint(n) = < y | Hint | y > = V n n ne e W GF 2
derivation Matter potential At low energies: neglect the inelastic scattering and absorption effect is reduced to the elastic forward scattering (refraction) described by the potential V: y is the wave function of the medium Hint(n) = < y | Hint | y > = V n n ne e CC interactions with electrons W GF 2 Hint = n gm(1 - g 5) n e gm(1 - g5) e e ne < e g0 (1 - g 5 ) e> = ne - the electron number density For unpolarized medium at rest: < e g e> = ne v < e g g5 e > = ne le V = 2 GFne - averaged polarization vector of e

6 Supernova neutrinos Diffusion Collective effects Flavor conversion
inside the star Propagation in vacuum Oscillations Inside the Earth

7 nn -scattering ne ne ne nb Refraction in neutrino gases Z0 Z0 nb nb nb
A = 2 GF (1 – ve vb ) velocities ne ne (p) t-channel elastic forward scattering nb nb (q) ne J. Pantaleone ne (p) u-channel can lead to the coherent effect Momentum exchange  flavor exchange ne (q) nb  flavor mixing nb Collective flavor transformations

8 Flavor exchange ne projection If the background is in the mixed state:
J. Pantaleone S. Samuel V.A. Kostelecky ne projection If the background is in the mixed state: ne nb |nib = Fie |ne + Fit | nt coherent nb Bet ~ Si Fie*Fit background ne sum over particles of bg. w.f. give projections nt projection Contribution to the Hamiltonian in the flavor basis Flavor exchange between the beam (probe) and background neutrinos A. Friedland C. Lunardini |Fie|2 Fie*Fit Hnn = 2 GF Si (1 – ve vib ) FieFit * |Fit|2

9 ``Soft'' neutrino mass nL nR f Exchange by very light scalar
Recently: in the context of MaVaN scenario ln D B Kalplan, E. Nelson, N. Weiner , K. M. Zurek M. Cirelli, M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia, C. Pena-Garay V. Barger, P Huber, D. Marfatia nL nR f mf ~ eV lf f = e, u, d, n fL fR chirality flip – true mass: msoft = ln lf nf /mf lf ~ f/M Pl mvac  mvac + msoft In the evolution equation: generated by some short range physics (interactions) EW scale VEV medium dependent mass

10 Evolution equation in matter
dnf dt i = Htot nf nf = H tot = H vac + V is the total Hamiltonian M2 2E H vac = is the vacuum (kinetic) part Ve matter part Ve= 2 G Fne V = Htot Dm2 2E Dm2 4E ne nm ne nm cos 2q + Ve sin 2q sin 2q d dt i = Dm2 4E

11 Eigenstates and mixing in matter
in vacuum: in matter: Effective Hamiltonian H0 H = H0 + V Eigenstates n1, n2 n1m, n2m depend on ne, E Eigenvalues m12/2E , m22/2E H1m, H2m instantaneous nf nmass q ne n1 n2m nf nH n1m qm q n2 Mixing angle determines flavors (flavor composition) of the eigenstates nm qm

12 Mixing in matter sin22q sin22qm = ( cos2q - 2EV/Dm2)2 + sin 22q Dm2 2E
Diagonalization of the Hamiltonian: sin22q sin22qm = ( cos2q - 2EV/Dm2) sin 22q V = 2 GF ne Mixing is maximal if Dm2 2E Resonance condition V = cos 2q He = Hm sin22qm = 1 Difference of the eigenvalues Dm2 2E H2 - H1 = ( cos2q - 2EV/Dm2)2 + sin22q

13 Resonance ~ ~ ln = l0 cos 2q In resonance: sin2 2qm = 1 sin2 2qm n
Flavor mixing is maximal Level split is minimal n sin22q12 = 0.825 sin22q13 = 0.08 ln = l0 cos 2q Vacuum oscillation length ~ ~ Refraction length For large mixing: cos 2q ~ 0.4 the equality is broken: strongly coupled system  shift of frequencies. ln / l0 ~ n E Resonance width: DnR = 2nR tan2q Resonance layer: n = nR + DnR

14 Level crossing n resonance sin2 2q = 0.825 n2m ne
H sin2 2q = 0.825 n2m ne Dependence of the neutrino eigenvalues on the matter potential (density) nm ln l0 2E V Dm2 n1m ln / l0 = Large mixing V. Rubakov, private comm. N. Cabibbo, Savonlinna 1985 H. Bethe, PRL 57 (1986) 1271 sin2 2q = 0.08 ne ln l0 = cos 2q n2m nm ln / l0 Crossing point - resonance the level split is minimal the oscillation length is maximal n1m Small mixing For maximal mixing: at zero density

15 Oscillation length in matter
4p E Dm2 Oscillation length in vacuum ln = Refraction length 2p 2 GFne - determines the phase produced by interaction with matter l0 = ln /sin2q (maximum at ln = l 0 /cos2q) lm 2p H2 - H1 lm = l0 Resonance energy: ~ ln ln (ER) = l 0 cos2q ER E for small mixing

16 Oscillations in matter
Propagation of neutrinos in the matter of the Earth - solar neutrinos - supernova neutrinos - accelerator neutrinos, LBL

17 Oscillations in matter
qm(E, n) = constant In uniform matter (constant density) mixing is constant Flavors of the eigenstates do not change Admixtures of matter eigenstates do not change: no n1m <-> n2m transitions Oscillations Monotonous increase of the phase difference between the eigenstates Dfm as in vacuum n2m ne n1m Dfm = 0 Dfm = (H2 - H1) L Parameters of oscillations (depth and length) are determined by mixing in matter and by effective energy split in matter sin22q, ln sin22qm, lm

18 Oscillations in matter
Probability constant density pL lm P(ne -> na) = sin22qm sin2 half-phase f Amplitude of oscillations oscillatory factor qm(E, n ) - mixing angle in matter qm  q lm(E, n ) – oscillation length in matter In vacuum: lm  ln lm = 2 p/(H2 – H1) Conditions for maximal transition probability: P = 1 sin 22qm = 1 MSW resonance condition 1. Amplitude condition: 2. Phase condition: f = p/2 + pk

19 Resonance enhancement of oscillations
oscillations determined by qm and lm (D H) Constant density n Detector Source ne ne F0(E) F(E) k = p L/ l0 Layer of length L F (E) F0(E) sin2 2qm sin2 2qm sin2 2q = 0.824 sin2 2q = 0.824 k = 10 k = 1 thick layer thin layer E/ER E/ER A Yu Smirnov

20 Small mixing angle sin2 2q12 = 0.08 F (E) F0(E) k = 10 k = 1
thin layer thick layer E/ER E/ER A Yu Smirnov

21 Neutrinos and antineutrinos
Continuity: neutrino and antineutrino semiplanes normal and inverted hierarchy P n n resonance layer Oscillations (amplitude of oscillations) are enhanced in the resonance layer ln / l0 E = (ER - DER) -- (ER + DER) DER = ERtan 2q = ER0sin 2q ER0 = Dm2 / 2V P n n With increase of mixing: q -> p/4 ER -> 0 ln / l0 DER -> ER0 A Yu Smirnov

22 The MSW - effect Adiabatic or partially adiabatic
flavor conversion of neutrinos in medium with varying density Flavor of the neutrino state follows density change

23 Adiabatic conversion Admixtures of the eigenstates
do not change (adiabaticity) Determined by mixing qm0 in the production point Flavors of the eigenstates follow the density change Flavor: qm = qm(r(t)) Phase difference of the eigenstates changes leading to oscillations f = (H1 - H2) t



26 Resonance density mixing is maximal



29 Evolution of eigenstates in matter
formalism Evolution of eigenstates in matter In non-uniform medium the Hamiltonian depends on time: H tot = H tot(ne(t)) Its eigenstates, nmatter, do not split the equations of motion dnf dt ne nm i = Htot n f nf = Inserting nf = U(qm) nmatter we get evolution equation for n1m n2m nmatter = n1m n2m dqm dt n1m n2m H2 - H1 i d dt i = dqm dt qm = qm(n e(t)) -i transitions The Hamiltonian is non-diagonal no split of equations n1m n2m

30 Adiabaticity DrR > lR External conditions dqm
(density) change slowly the system has time to adjust them dqm dt Adiabaticity condition << 1 H2 - H1 Essence: transitions between the neutrino eigenstates can be neglected The eigenstates propagate independently n1m <--> n2m Crucial in the resonance layer: - the mixing changes fast - level splitting is minimal if vacuum mixing is small DrR > lR lR = ln/sin2q oscillation length in resonance DrR = nR / (dn/dx)R tan2q width of the res. layer If vacuum mixing is large, the point of maximal adiabaticity violation is shifted to larger densities n(a.v.) -> nR0 > nR nR0 = Dm2/ 2 2 GF E

31 Adiabatic conversion formula
Initial state: n(0) = ne = cosqm0 n1m(0) + sinqm0 n2m(0) Adiabatic evolution to the surface of the Sun (zero density): n1m(0) --> n1 n2m(0) --> n2 Final state: -if n(f) = cosqm0 n1 + sinqm0 n2 e Probability to find ne averaged over oscillations P = |< ne| n(f) >|2 = (cosq cosqm0)2 + (sinq sinqm0)2 = 0.5[ 1 + cos 2qm0 cos 2q ] P = sin2q + cos 2q cos2qm0

32 Spatial picture The picture is universal in terms of variable y = (nR - n ) / DnR no explicit dependence on oscillation parameters, density distribution, etc. only initial value y0 matters resonance layer production point y0 = - 5 resonance survival probability oscillation band averaged probability (nR - n) / DnR (distance) A Yu Smirnov

33 Spatial picture Oscillations Adiabatic conversion distance
survival probability distance A Yu Smirnov

34 Adiabaticity violation
Physical picture Adiabaticity violation Transitions n1m <-> n2m occur admixtures of the eigenstates change Flavors of the eigenstates follow the density change Flavor: qm = qm(r(t)) Phase difference of the eigenstates changes leading to oscillations f = (H1 - H2) t A Yu Smirnov

35 A Yu Smirnov

36 A Yu Smirnov

37 Resonance density mixing is maximal A Yu Smirnov

38 A Yu Smirnov

39 A Yu Smirnov

40 Graphic representation
Pure adiabatic conversion Partialy adiabatic conversion n e nm

41 Survival Probability Matter filter n source detector 1 2 1 - sin22q
Non-uniform medium Matter filter n source detector Vacuum oscillations P(averged over oscillations) 1 2 sin22q Adiabatic edge Non-adiabatic conversion sin2q E Non-oscillatory adiabatic conversion Resonance at the highest density n(0) = ne = n2m n2 P = |< ne| n2 >|2 = sin2q adiabaticity

42 Oscillations versus MSW
Both require mixing, MSW is usually accompanying by oscillations What is essential difference between oscillations and the MSW effect? Oscillations Adiabatic conversion Vacuum or uniform medium with constant parameters Non-uniform medium or/and medium with varying in time parameters Phase difference increase between the eigenstates Change of mixing in medium = change of flavor of the eigenstates f qm Different degrees of freedom In non-uniform medium: interplay of both processes

43 Degrees of freedom n (t) = cosqa n1m + sinqa n2m e f (t) = H dt`
Effects associated to different degrees of freedom -if(t) Arbitrary state: n (t) = cosqa n1m + sinqa n2m e Adiabaticity violation qa = qa(t) - determines the admixtures of the eigenstates f (t) is the phase difference between the two eigenstates t Oscillations f (t) = H dt` Flavors (flavor composition) of the eigenstates are determined by the mixing angle in matter Adiabatic conversion <ne |n1m> = cosqm <nm |n1m> = - sin qm qa(t) + f (t) -> parametric effects, etc. Combination of effects qm(t) + f (t) -> ad. conv. + oscillations

44 MSW: realizations conditions: Solar Neutrinos in expanding Neutrinos
slowly enough changing density crossing the resonance enough matter width conditions: Solar Neutrinos Neutrinos in expanding Supernova Universe Neutrinos Active - sterile neutrino conversion in the Early Universe Large mixing realization Both large mixing and small mixing realizations High energy neutrinos ? Large lepton asymmetry is required

45 Solar neutrinos E = 10 MeV Resonance layer: nR Ye = 20 g/cc
RR= 0.24 Rsun In the production point: sin2qm0 = 0.94 cos2 qm0 = 0.06 n2m n1m Large mixing MSW conversion provides the solution of the solar neutrino problem (Homestake, Kam…)

46 3. Oscillations in matter of the Earth
Physics of conversion 1. Adiabaticity lm - oscillation length in matter; h – height of the density profile Adiabaticity parameter lm(x) 4ph(x) g (x) = ~ 10 -4 Corrections are g2 Also relevant for oscillation in the Earth where affect ~ g 2. Loss of coherence 3. Oscillations in matter of the Earth

47 As simple as this: For small or zero 1-3 mixing
For 2n - mixing P = sin2q + cos2q cos2qm0 Explicitly: cos2q - y P = sin2q + ½cos2q 1 + (cos2q - y)2 + sin22q 2EV0 Dm2 y = V0 = 2 GFne0 ne0 – electron number density in the production point For SSM density distribution is valid with accuracy 10-7

48 Energy profile of the effect
Survival probability LMA MSW Adiabatic edge npp nBe sin2 2q nB Earth matter effect sin2q III II I ln / l0 ~ E Conversion with small oscillation effect Non-oscillatory transition Averaged oscillations with small matter effect Conversion + oscillations

49 MSW conversion inside the Sun
surface core survival probability survival probability resonance E = 14 MeV E = 2 MeV y y distance distance tan2q = 0.41, Dm2 = eV2 survival probability survival probability E = 6 MeV E = 0.86 MeV y y

50 Minimal width condition
C. Lunardini, A.S. Matter width d = n x should be large enough to produce significant effect Phase induced by matter: 2px l0 fmatter = = 2 G nx should be of the order p p 2 GF d = For a given amount of matter (width) which density profile leads to maximal conversion? matter with constant density equal to resonance density For small mixing angle, strong transition appears if p 2 GF tan2q d =

51 ``Vacuum mimicking ’’ The oscillation probability in matter: 2px lm
L. Wolfenstein E. Akhmedov O. Yasuda The oscillation probability in matter: 2px lm P(nm) = sin 22qm sin2 If the phase of oscillation is small: 2 2px lm P(nm) = sin 22qm coincides with vacuum oscillation result 2 2px ln = sin 22q Matter effect appears in the next order in small phase With decrease of distance both oscillation effect and the matter effect disappear but matter effect disappears first results from the fact that non-diagonal terms of the Hamiltonian do not have matter contributions A Yu Smirnov

52 Adiabaticity parameter
condition: k >> 1 H2 - H1 k = dqm dt most crucial in the resonance where the mixing angle in matter changes fast DrR lR kR = DrR = hn tan2q is the width of the resonance layer n dn/dx hn = is the scale of density change lR = ln/sin2q is the oscillation length in resonance Dm2 sin22q hn 2E cos2q Explicitly: kR =

53 Adiabaticity violation
Physics derivation If density ne(t) changes fast dqm dt k ~ 1 ~ | H2 - H1 | the off-diagonal terms in the Hamiltonian can not be neglected transitions n1m n2m Admixtures of in a given neutrino state change n1m n2m ``Jump probability’’ penetration under barrier: DH En P12= e H H2 En ~ 1/hn is the energy associated to change of parameter DH (density) H1 -pkR/2 P12= e Landau-Zener n

54 The best scenario

55 Evolution equations Ensemble of neutrino polarization vectors Pw
w = D m2 /2E (in single angle approximation) Total polarization vectors for neutrinos and antineutrinos inf inf P = dw Pw P = dw Pw L = (0, 0, 1) dt Pw =(- wB + lL + mD) x Pw l = V = 2 GF ne dt Pw =(+ wB + lL + mD) x Pw m = 2 GF nn where D = P - P - collective vector Eliminating usual matter effect  transition to the rotating system around L with frequency -l

56 Physics of conversion Averaged survival probability
at the surface of the Sun P = sin2 q + cos 2q cos2 qm0 non-oscillatory part oscillations qm0 is the mixing angle in matter in the production point The depth of oscillations: A = sin 2q sin 2qm0 At the detector: Pdet = P + DPreg Earth regeneration

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