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Brian Fili 8th Grade Math Teacher

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1 Brian Fili 8th Grade Math Teacher
Back To School Night Brian Fili 8th Grade Math Teacher

2 Textbooks

3 On Line Resources Username: filir Password: x5j4r

4 Classroom Supplies Binder with Spiral Notebook Folder Graph Paper
Covered Textbook Pencils and a graphing calculator TI 83 or 84 *SHOW EXAMPLES*

5 SHMS Grading Policy Tests: 40%
Quizzes/check ups: 30% ** (both announced and unannounced) Homework: 15% Homework is given typically Monday-Thursday night. Sometimes it is checked for completion and other times checked for accuracy. Homework questions will be addressed in class if students had a problem with their assignment. Other: 15% Graded Homework, Enrichment Packets, 100% Character/Prepared

6 Grading Policy For information on homework or upcoming assignments, my website is updated daily. However, all assignments are written on the board in the classroom, and is expected to be in your agenda before leaving the room.

7 Contact Information Best way to contact me is through Phone number ext 7314

8 Need Help? We are available for help after school on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Tuesdays and Thursdays, the 8th grade honors students are available in my room for additional support.

9 Website

10 Thank you for coming!! Enjoy your evening!
Looking forward to a wonderful year!!

11 Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Focus – Move away from “mile wide, inch deep” curricula; Narrow scope of content Coherence – Build on solid conceptual understanding; Think across grades & link to major topics within grade Rigor – Conceptual understanding; Procedural skills & fluency; Problem solving

12 Mathematical Practices
Make sense of problems & persevere in solving them Reason abstractly & quantitatively Construct viable arguments & critique the reasoning of others Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for & make use of structure Look for & express regularity in repeated reasoning

13 SHMS Math Mission Statement
The mission of the SHMS mathematics program is to: Inspire intellectual curiosity and aesthetic appreciation of mathematics as a body of knowledge Promote critical thinking and problem solving skills to solve real world problems Develop computational fluency and understanding of mathematical algorithms in order to apply known facts to unknown situations Encourage students to be active participants in a life-long learning process as independent thinkers

14 Problem Solving in Math in Focus

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