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Agenda Day 1 : IHE Pharmacy - Technical Day 2: IHE Pharmacy - Planning

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1 Agenda Day 1 : IHE Pharmacy - Technical Day 2: IHE Pharmacy - Planning
Review received comments of IHE Pharmacy White Paper Prepare work-items yr1 : grouping of relevant Use Cases, effort estimation High level architecture / standard selection Group dinner (optional) Day 2: IHE Pharmacy - Planning IHE Pharmacy Organisation : new members, on-going activities, ePSOS : update, steps Prioritize work items for yr1(based on outcome day1) Planning of coming year High level architecture / standard selection (cont.)

2 IHE Pharmacy - Update March 2009

3 Organisation IHE PHARM :One of the 11 official IHE Domains
Homepage : Current : Sponsors : EAHP, NICTIZ, Phast and Gmsih Members : Only IHE members may vote! Mailing list : 81 persons Primarily Europe centric IHE will distribute an outreach letter to invite other members from other regions

4 Organisation – cont. Leadership : Committees
Ad-interim co-ordinator : G. Claeys (IHE Europe – Development) User co-chair : pharmacist ; tbd Vendor co-chair : tbd Secretary : Simon Letellier Committees Initial : combined planning/technical committee Meet together with dedicated agenda Evaluated after 1yr

5 History 10 Jan : creation of Pharmacy taskforce of IHE Europe Development Identify the main interoperability needs and problems in Medication history & prescription Follow a pragmatic approach to realise interoperability (the IHE Way) Leverage experiences in the different european countries 26 Feb : publication of Pharmacy Whitpaper Main Use Cases First draft of interoperability architecture, based on XDS and HL7 12 March 2009 : creation of global IHE Pharmacy domain

6 Objectives 2009 Deepen IHE Pharmacy organisation
Election of co-chairs Broaden its membership : Other regions Industry Release Integration Profile yr1 Publication : September 2009 Connectathon Europe : April 2010 Align efforts with epSOS project

7 IHE Integration Effort
Assumptions : 2-3 editors per integration profile (+ IHE peter) Duration : 6 months Nr of Integration Profiles : 1-2 Integration Profiles Activities : Identify Actors and Transactions Select standards Profile standards and domain models

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