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PRESENT TENSE A verb is a doing word (plays, laughing, jump). A sentence cannot exist without a verb in it. Therefore the most important bit of grammar.

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Presentation on theme: "PRESENT TENSE A verb is a doing word (plays, laughing, jump). A sentence cannot exist without a verb in it. Therefore the most important bit of grammar."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRESENT TENSE A verb is a doing word (plays, laughing, jump). A sentence cannot exist without a verb in it. Therefore the most important bit of grammar in any language is verbs. We begin by learning about the PRESENT TENSE. (WHAT IS HAPPENING NOW)

2 To make the present tense:
1.We take the infinitive of a verb. This is the form always found in the dictionary, and it means to … 2. In German, this ends in ‘en’ e.g spielen – to play

3 We chop off the –en ending to get the stem
spielen The stem is: spiel Then we add the following endings to the pronouns.

4 First let’s just check we totally understand what all the pronouns mean!

5 ich ihr du wir er sie sie Sie es I You friendly (plural) You friendly
(singular) wir We er He sie They sie She Sie You polite es It

6 ihr ich spiel e spiel t wir spiel en du spiel st spiel en er sie spiel t sie Sie en es spiel

7 Recap: To use a regular verb you need:
subject stem + ending + - e - st t - t - en en ich (I) du (you friendly) er/sie/es (he/she/it) ihr (you friendly plural) wir (we) sie (they) Sie (you polite) Chop the –en off the infinitive For example: spielen stem = spiel + +

8 A way to remember these endings:
Elephants STir Tetley Tea ENthusiastically! NOTE: ‘Ich spiele’ means - I play/I am playing. Therefore it is always WRONG to say ich bin….spiele.

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