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CWE NRA transparency request CWE TSOs transparency proposal

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1 CWE Market Coupling PXs and TSOs Market European Stakeholder Committee Brussels, December 9th 2016

2 CWE NRA transparency request CWE TSOs transparency proposal
Status on transparency framework within CWE region Update on the CWE NRAs' request for transparency in CWE FBMC (1/2) Transparency CWE TSOs worked on a concrete translation of CWE NRA guidance on transparency following MPs request: German TSOs (Amprion, TransnetBW and Tennet GmbH) are still discussing CWE NRAs’ request with BNetzA to agree on a formal position (outcome expected by the end of this year). Therefore, CWE TSOs agreed on a step-wise approach for implementation: Elia, RTE, Tennet B.V. and APG will publish the elements as described in the above table Depending on the outcome of the discussion with the German regulator German TSOs will follow at a later stage CWE NRA transparency request CWE TSOs transparency proposal CWE NRAs ask for full transparency on parameters impacting the price formation. This includes timely publication of non-anonymous CBCOs and RAM. As long as market parties cannot understand why certain prices occur, this is considered to be suboptimal transparency. Publish fixed or random labels immediately after the results are available (i.e. D-1 around 08:00 & 09:45) Provide a human readable translation table between fixed labels and human readable names for CBCO Publish detailed breakdown of RAM on Fmax, Fref, FRM and FAV after final computation around 09:45 High impact on IT, TSOs need time to implement this request The publication of the relevant information should also allow market parties to understand the impact of Remedial Actions taken by the TSOs. TSOs will publish extra information by providing CBCOs with all related details at 8:00. Based on this information, MPs can make their own analysis. Additionally, some information on RAs is already published. Details on the Transparency Platform (ENTSO-E). Educational examples are provided as well. RAs are taken in real-time (or close to real-time) to maintain the security of the system. The application of RAs is independently from the outcome of the market results.

3 Status on transparency framework within CWE region Update on the CWE NRAs' request for transparency in CWE FBMC (2/2) Implementation End of Q Elia, RTE, & TenneT B.V. have published a translation table of non-anonymous CBCOs. This table was updated with APG CBCOs in November after APG integration. A change request (CR) is prepared for daily publication of these non anonymous CBCOs after final Flow-based computation and in addition, also a detailed breakdown of RAM: Content: Fixed anonymous ID, human-readable CB/CO name, Fmax, RAM, Fref, FRM, FAV, LTA Margin This is a significant CR and will be taken into account for the next release of the Flow-based Central Environment (FBCE): foreseen May 2017 Additionally, after some changes in the process, all CWE TSOs are able to publish the aggregated D2CF data on TSO level and on hub level as well since mid October This was requested by market parties to increase transparency. Communication An explanation of the data requested for transparency (e.g. context, meaning) will be given to MPs together with their disclosure. Furthermore, TSOs shall answer MPs questions issued via the Q&A Forum on a structured basis in an annual report and to be discussed in the CWE Consultative Group (CCG) meetings to limit the constraint on expert resources

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