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To identify normal distributions

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1 To identify normal distributions
Statistics lesson Objectives: To identify normal distributions To use the standard normal distribution model to evaluate probabilities

2 Job Requirements Maths required: Equipment required:
Probability scales Ruler Standardising scores Pencil Pen Calculator Normal distribution table

3 Videos Introduction to Coastguard rescue teams
Can you give an example of the Maths involved in your decisions?

4 Standard normal distribution
Normally distributed results can be compared to the standard normal distribution curve to find probabilities. 0 (sometimes represented by μ) is the mean of the data. σ is a standard deviation.

5 Normal distribution table
Once you find a standardised score (z), you can find the probability using the table. e.g. P(0.19) = This means that (57.53%) of the value are less than 0.19 deviations from the mean. Interpret the probabilities as meaning less than the standardised value.

6 Survivability mean/deviation
Water Temp (oC) Mean time until death Standard deviation of time until death < 0.3° 20 minutes 4 minutes 0.3–4.4° 50 minutes 10 minutes 4.4–10° 120 minutes 22 minutes 10–15.6° 230 minutes 43 minutes 15.6–21.1° 830 minutes 232 minutes

7 Example We are told that a person has capsized a small boat in waters that are 3.2°. If we can reach them in 25 minutes, what is the probability that they will die before we reach them? Identify how many deviations from the mean this is. = 5 5 / 4 = 1.25 (divide by the standard deviation for a standardised score) Look up this value in the distribution table. There is an 89.44% chance that they will die.

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