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Online Fundraising 19th November 2008

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1 Online Fundraising 19th November 2008
Sue Fidler, Director, Sue Fidler Ltd 19th November 2008

2 Some facts and figures More than 70% of people in the UK have internet access. 2/3 at home More than 40% have bought something online in the last 6 months 30% use internet banking

3 Some facts and figures 15% of internet users have given to charity online in the last 6 months 78% single gifts 1/6 direct debit

4 Some facts and figures Given to charity: Total
12 months 15% 18% 19% 16% 11% 14% 10% Of whom 3 months 79% 77% 74% 73% 81% 86% 82%

5 Great ROI

6 So how do you make it work?

7 - Planning - Integration - Ease of Use

8 Thinking it Through… Objectives Audience On/Offline integration
Ways to give Tools and Data What works and What Doesn't

9 Objectives and Audience




13 Potential Online Supporters
Higher than average income Give higher than average gifts Busy active lives – cash rich - time poor Demand information Expect good service, fast/ instant response Expect personalisation and options Read before snail mail and news online

14 Basic Rules Informative website Collect names and emails on EVERYTHING
Online options on all offline materials Offer every way to give Put ASK or ACTION at the top of the site Make it a one click activity

15 improve supporter interaction?
So how can we improve supporter interaction?

16 Make it easy Make it obvious

17 Donate Sign Up Many ways to give




21 Integrated Communications
Check what comms ALL departments are doing Plan timeframe to include: organisational material (annual report) offline magazines offline dM newsletters campaigns Synchronise comms and asks

22 Future Communications
Traditional appeal Reminder Teaser Ask

23 1p Online users open email before post Ask EMAIL Teaser EMAIL Reminder
Future Communications Online users open before post Ask Teaser Reminder 1p

24 Integrate on-line and offline messages
Future Communications Integrate on-line and offline messages Magazine Above the line TV Teaser Ask Reminder Action on website newsletter Story

25 Which types of Fundraising
work online?

26 Which types of Fundraising?
DM - donor choice – some people want to give online - represent all appeals online – build trust - have segment specific URL on DM leaflet with segment specific landing page



29 Which types of Fundraising?
Events - perfect tool to recruit and manage event participants from FLM to climbing Everest - great for giving each participant a personal fundraising page to tell their friends - saves a huge amount of admin of scrappy sponsorship forms and cash - gift aid is possible on all gifts


31 Which types of Fundraising?
Online Shopping - Christmas or all year - Direct sale or through a fulfilment company 22 millions people shop online – average spend £647 in 6 months


33 Which types of Fundraising?
Online Auctions - ebay have special charity auction system run by missionfish - Sellers can also opt to donate a % of their sale to the charity of their choice


35 Which types of Fundraising?
Online Raffles and Lotteries - low set up cost - no admin costs - instant winner information - very high ROI


37 Which types of Fundraising?
Affiliate Marketing - directing traffic to a shopping site for pennies - downside – once they buy the shopping site will contact them direct

38 Which types of Fundraising?
Click to Give - corporate sponsorship of a fixed donation - charity recruits ‘clickers’ - click per day raises small sum per click - needs to go viral or hit huge market

39 Which types of Fundraising?
Search Engine Users - get staff, volunteers, supporters, corporates schools and beneficiaries to use the search engine and every click raises money - everyclick donates - averages £16 per person pa


41 Which types of Fundraising?
Legacies In Memoriam In Celebration Wedding Lists


43 Which types of Fundraising?
Trusts/Grants - traditionally send out box of info to funders which is immediately out of date - online you send out a link to a trust page and direct them to an updated and detailed page of information


45 Which types of Fundraising?
Corporates - online profile is perfect ‘thank-you’ mechanism - great development tool for employee fundraising via web and intranet sites - free to give and click to give opportunities


47 Which types of Fundraising?
Regional and Community - brilliant for community building and contact - collect regional and community group income - give positive feedback on group events – donors love recognition of their efforts - cheap and easy way to tell supporters how to develop and manage local fundraising with a fundraising toolkit


49 Which Types of Fundraising?
Payroll Gifts in kind Shares Time Even if you never get any via the web it gives the perception of donor choice

50 Tools and Data

51 Getting technical Payment providers: Credit Cards Debit Cards
Repeat Card Payments Direct Debit PayPal

52 Getting technical Payment providers:
Charity specific or e-commerce? Cards and direct debits? Gift Aid Data Protection Brand management – Template Control Whose URL Thanking and banking replies PCI registration ( Having all forms of payment in one place?

53 Getting technical Back office integration
Can your database provide online payment collection? Can you link to your database Data integration Data import Do you want donor self management?? ie - change of address? - see their donation/event/shopping history

54 What Works and What Doesn’t

55 What doesn’t work “Build and they’ll come” Flat, unsympathetic asks
SHOUTING AT PEOPLE A donate button Complex or difficult forms Multiple clicks Not being able to find the “ways to give”

56 What works Engaging with supporters Using stories and UGC
Allowing them to feel part of something Knowing who they are and what they want Making friends Being informal Integrating on and offline messages Offering multiple ways to give Facilitating easy giving mechanisms

57 Concentrate on KISS Easy to find (direct URLs) Good copy Simple forms
Fewer clicks

58 - Planning - Integration - Ease of Use Are critical

59 Free Report: Passion, persistence, and partnership:
the secrets of earning more online 4 page summary and 40 page report available at:

60 Sue Fidler Director Sue Fidler Ltd

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