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What’s new in carotid intervention?

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Presentation on theme: "What’s new in carotid intervention?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s new in carotid intervention?
Theodore R. Sullivan, MD, FACS, RVT Surgical Care Specialists/Vascular

2 History Thomas Willis Sir Astley Cooper Ramsey Hunt Egas Moniz
•  1684 •  1808 •  1913 •  1927 •  1951 •  1953 •  1980 Thomas Willis “Cerebri Anatome” Sir Astley Cooper carotid ligation Ramsey Hunt loss of pulsation and “brain softening” Egas Moniz cerebral angiogram C. Miller Fisher predicted carotid bypass Michael Debakey Mullan…first carotid angioplasty 4/5/17 2

3 Carotid pathophysiology
•  Intimal injury tobacco, lipids, hypertension •  Shear forces at the bifurcation •  Immunocellular response to injury inflammation •  Plaque build up with potential for ulceration •  Embolization •  Thrombosis

4 NASCET ACAS ACST-I Medical 26% 11% 10% CEA 9% 5.5% 4.1% CEA TRIALS
N Engl J Med 1991; 325: August 15 JAMA May 10;273(18):1421-8 The Lancet, 376, 2010 September:

5 Minimally invasive surgery, Interventional
Radiology and Cardiology

6 Carotid stenting ‘Cheese grater effect’

7 Duplex imaging and CT angiography

8 “High risk”


10 Plaque ulceration 4/5/17 10

11 CEA

12 CEA at 1 week and 6 months

13 Vascular Quality Initiative
a clinician driven database •  24,201 CEAs reported in 17 regions from 2011 – 2015 •  24 % symptomatic 45 % Beta blockers, 81 % statins 30 day stroke/death % 2.1 % MI rate LOS 1.3 days Reoperation for neck hematoma % CN injury 4.0%, % permanent

14 • 2502 pts. randomized CEA v CAS with no medical arm
Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy v Stenting Trial •  2502 pts. randomized CEA v CAS with no medical arm •  Periprocedural risk CEA 2.3 CAS 4.1 1.1 Stroke MI •  No difference at 4 and 10 years

15 Cranial nerve injury • ECST 1739 CEAs • 3.7 % at discharge
•  0.5 % at 4 month f/u

16 Carotid Revascularization Endarterectomy Stent

17 Aortic arch disease

18 Access for carotid stenting

19 Restenosis?

20 Trans-cervical flow reversal

21 Trans-cervical flow reversal

22 Hybrid techniques for carotid intervention

23 Consensus


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