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Lecture Slides in PowerPoint by Jerry L. Cook

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1 Lecture Slides in PowerPoint by Jerry L. Cook
Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology Seventh Edition Elaine N. Marieb Chapter 10 Blood Lecture Slides in PowerPoint by Jerry L. Cook Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings

2 Blood - The only tissue in the human body that is a fluid
Classified as a connective tissue that is composed of: Living cells called formed elements (45%) Non-living matrix called plasma (55%)

3 Physical Characteristics of Blood
Color ranges: Scarlet red, if blood is oxygen-rich Dull red – if blood is oxygen-poor pH: must remain between 7.35 – 7.45, which is maintained by the respiratory system and kidneys Temperature: ° F Volume: 5-6 liters (8% of body weight)

4 Blood components are separated by a process called centrifugation.

5 Blood components are separated by a process called centrifugation.

6 Blood – Microscopic View

7 BLOOD PLASMA 90% water Dissolved substances, such as:
Ionic salts - Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, HCO3- Plasma proteins - albumin, globulins, clotting proteins Nutrients - glucose, fatty acids, vitamins, amino acids Metabolic waste products - urea, uric acid Respiratory gases - O2, CO2 Hormones

8 Platelets Erythrocytes involved in clotting Leukocytes

9 ERYTHROCYTES (red blood cells)
FORMED ELEMENTS: ERYTHROCYTES (red blood cells) Disk-shaped cells that lose nucleus and most organelles when mature. Filled with ~250 million iron-containing protein molecules called hemoglobin. Each hemoglobin has 4 sites that bind to O2 or CO2 for transport to/from cells.

10 HEMOGLOBIN 4-6 million RBCs per mm3 of blood

11 ERYTHROCYTES (red blood cells)
FORMED ELEMENTS: ERYTHROCYTES (red blood cells) RBC’s are unable to divide and replace themselves; wear out in about 120 days. Worn out RBCs are eliminated by phagocytes in the spleen or liver.

12 LEUKOCYTES (white blood cells)
FORMED ELEMENTS: LEUKOCYTES (white blood cells) Complete cells that contain a nucleus and other organelles Play crucial role in body’s defense against disease Able to destroy and engulf enemy cells (amoeboid motion) Able to move into and out of blood vessels (diapedesis)

13 Two Categories of Leukocytes
Granulocytes - contain granules in cytoplasm that can be stained. Include the following: Neutrophils Eosinophils Basophils

14 Two Categories of Leukocytes
Agranulocytes - lack visible granules in cytoplasm. Includes the following: Lymphocytes Monocytes

15 Leukocyte Levels in the Blood
Normal levels: 4, ,000 cells per mm3 Abnormal levels: Leukocytosis - above 11,000 cells per mm3 Generally indicates presence of an infection Leukopenia - abnormally low level Commonly caused by certain drugs

16 Platelets (thrombocytes)
Formed Elements: Platelets (thrombocytes) Fragments of ruptured, multinucleate cells called megakaryocytes Needed for the clotting process Normal platelet count: 300,000 per mm3 Abnormal level: Thrombocytopenia – a reduction in number of platelets in blood


18 Blood – Microscopic View

19 *HEMOSTASIS – sequence of events that stop blood flowing from a broken blood vessel.
Blood usually clots (coagulates) within 3 to 6 minutes After tissue is repaired, the clot is broken down by heparin, which is a natural anti-coagulant.

20 HEMOSTASIS Following injury of blood vessel wall, hemostasis involves three phases: Platelet plug formation Vascular spasms Coagulation

21 I. Platelet Plug Formation
Collagen fibers are exposed by a break in a blood vessel wall. Platelets, circulating in the blood, are “sticky” and cling to fibers. Anchored platelets release chemicals to attract more platelets. Platelets pile up to form a platelet plug.

22 II. Vascular Spasms Anchored platelets release serotonin, a chemical that causes smooth muscles in blood vessels to spasm. Spasms narrow the blood vessel, which decreases blood loss.

23 III. Coagulation Injured tissues release thromboplastin.
A prothrombin activator forms from thromboplastin + PF3 (on platelets) + protein clotting factors (in blood) + calcium ions (in blood). The prothrombin activator converts prothrombin (present in blood) to thrombin (an enzyme)

24 III. Coagulation, continued
Thrombin joins fibrinogen (a SOLUBLE protein in the blood). Fibrinogen transforms into fibrin (an INSOLUBLE fiber). The insoluble fibrin fibers form a mesh, which is the framework for the clot, as blood cells get trapped in the mesh.

25 Undesirable Clotting Thrombus - a clot in an unbroken blood vessel. A thrombus can be deadly in areas like the brain, lungs, heart Embolus - a thrombus that breaks away and floats freely in the bloodstream. Can later clog vessels in critical areas such as the brain, lungs, heart.

26 Bleeding Disorders Thrombocytopenia - platelet deficiency in which even normal movements can cause bleeding from small blood vessels. Hemophilia - hereditary bleeding disorder caused by the absence of one or more of normal clotting factors.

27 HEMATOPOIESIS – blood cell formation
(Primary stem cell) Blood cells form from the primary stem cell called the hemocytoblast.

28 HEMATOPOIESIS – blood cell formation
Occurs in: Fetus before 7 months – in liver and spleen After 7th month – occurs in bone marrow mainly long bones of children pelvis and sternum of adults

29 Detected by chemoreceptors
Control of Erythrocyte Production (erythropoiesis) 1 Detected by chemoreceptors 2 3 Copyright © 2003 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Benjamin Cummings Figure 10.5

30 Human Blood Groups In general, any foreign antigen (membrane sugar or protein), will cause immune system to produce antibodies in the plasma There are over 30 common, genetically determined RBC antigens (called agglutinogens) on the membrane of RBC’s

31 Human Blood Groups

32 Human Blood Groups, continued
Antibodies (called agglutinins), specific to RBC antigens, attach to RBC’s and cause clumping (called agglutination) The most vigorous transfusion reactions are caused by ABO and Rh blood group antigens

33 ABO Blood Groups Based on presence or absence of 2 antigens
Antigen A on RBC membrane Antigen B on RBC membrane Possible Blood Types: Type A – Antigen A present Type B – Antigen B present Type AB – Both Antigens A and B Type O – Neither Antigen A nor B

34 agglutinogens agglutinins

35 The genetics of ABO Blood Groups – One allele (form of gene) is inherited from each parent for the production of ABO antigens. IA – (dominant) allele for the production of antigen A IB – (dominant) allele for the production of antigen B I – (recessive) allele for no production of A or B antigen Problems can occur when mixing certain ABO blood groups.

36 The genetics of ABO Blood Groups
Homozygous Dominant Heterozygous Dominant Homozygous Dominant Heterozygous Dominant Co-Dominant Homozygous Recessive

37 Rh Blood Groups – based on the presence or absence of Rh antigen (called antigen D)
ID – (dominant) allele for the production of antigen D Id – (recessive) allele for the production of no antigen D Problems occur in mixing Rh(+) blood into a body with Rh(-) blood.

38 The genetics of Rh Blood Groups
IDID or IDId Homozygous Dominant Heterozygous Dominant Rh (-) IdId Homozygous Recessive

39 Hemolytic Disease of the Newborn:
Rh danger during pregnancy of an Rh(-) mother carrying an Rh(+) unborn child. 1st pregnancy: proceeds without problems 2nd pregnancy: mother’s immune system produces antibodies to attack the Rh(+) blood of the baby. Can be prevented if treated with an immune serum called RhoGAM immediately after giving birth to the first child.

40 Blood Transfusions: Consequences of blood loss:
the only way to replace blood quickly when large losses of blood have occurred. Consequences of blood loss: 15%-30% loss of total blood volume causes weakness Loss of over 30% of total blood volume causes shock and can be fatal

41 Blood Typing Blood samples are mixed with anti-A serum, anti-B serum, and anti-Rh serum Clumping vs. no clumpimg determines blood type Cross matching – testing for agglutination of donor RBCs by the recipient’s serum

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