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Refurbishment of PHA System on AUG (2010) - SDD from PNDetector -

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Presentation on theme: "Refurbishment of PHA System on AUG (2010) - SDD from PNDetector -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Refurbishment of PHA System on AUG (2010) - SDD from PNDetector -
with cap and Be-Window in TO8 housing ● Active volume: 10 mm2 x 450 μm ● 30 nm aluminum layer on top and 8 μm Beryllium window in cap (avoid visible light detection) ● Hole drilled in cap for operation in vacuum (custom request) ● Internal Zr-collimator (3.2 mm diameter) ● Moderate cooling by Peltier cooler (1-stage) ● Energy resolution: 133 Mn-Ka, -20° C, 100kcps, tsh = 1 μs

2 Assembly of AUG PHA-System
- November SDD screwed on cooled Cu-structure, then socket fixed to SDD

3 First Tests and Calibration on AUG - in-situ X-ray tube source with Cu-anode, 5 mm Be-Filter used -
then I would like to address some physics issues, and discuss diagnostics requirements & techniques... then I will go through selected diagnostics in a very brief manner, addressing.... and finall make some concluding remarks ● strong line at 1.75 keV could be due to anode contamination by tungsten (filament material)

4 (exponential + gaussians)
In-Situ Calibration of AUG SDD-Detector - by X-ray tube (Cu-Anode, 12 kV) - red: fitted spectrum (exponential + gaussians) first .... then I would like to address some physics issues, and discuss diagnostics requirements & techniques... then I will go through selected diagnostics in a very brief manner, addressing.... and finall make some concluding remarks

5 Viewing Geometry of PHA on AUG
● PHA line of sight equivalent with Single Bragg spectrometer LOS ( A-port of sector 1) ● SDD detector at R = m z = m ● Distances for etendu calculation: (etendue defined by pinholes) detector (coll. Ø = 3.2 mm ) | mm fixed pinhole (Ø = 0.5 mm ) | mm variable pinholes (Ø = mm) | mm plasma axis (R=1.7 m) first .... then I would like to address some physics issues, and discuss diagnostics requirements & techniques... then I will go through selected diagnostics in a very brief manner, addressing.... and finall make some concluding remarks

6 First PHA Measurements on AUG with new Detector - #26116 (800 kA, 3 NBI sources) -
● X-spectrum dominated by line radiation from highly ionized W ● typically 3 main peaks in PHA spectra (many lines) ● trade-off between energy resolution and count-rate ● here: digital filter optimized for high count-rates first .... then I would like to address some physics issues, and discuss diagnostics requirements & techniques... then I will go through selected diagnostics in a very brief manner, addressing.... and finall make some concluding remarks 68 lines from NIST database

7 X-Ray Line Radiation - AUG #26532 - Nonlinear Fit (22 free parameters, red) (4 exponential and 6x3 gaussian fit parameters)

8 Tungsten X-Ray Line Radiation - AUG #26574, high Te plasma (e-ITB) -
Fe24+ Cr22+ W62-64+ W,Cl,Ar

9 Tungsten X-Ray Line Radiation - AUG #26574, high Te plasma (e-ITB) -
Nonlinear Fit (25 free parameters, red) (4 exponential and 7x3 gaussian fit parameters)

10 Accidental Ti-Injection - #26117 (800 kA, 3 NBI sources) -
(0.26 nm) first .... then I would like to address some physics issues, and discuss diagnostics requirements & techniques... then I will go through selected diagnostics in a very brief manner, addressing.... and finall make some concluding remarks ● similar Ti events in s s s

11 W + Ar X-Ray Line Radiation - AUG #26580, standard H-mode -
Filter: 110 mm Be

12 2. Strong Argon Events in X-Ray Spectra ... - #26804, 26805, ECRH -
PHA IONEQ simulation ● ... but Ar concentration only 2-3∙10-4

13 Te Analysis of Slope of X-Ray Continuum Radiation - #26223 (1 MA, NBI+ECRH+ICRH) -
PHA first .... then I would like to address some physics issues, and discuss diagnostics requirements & techniques... then I will go through selected diagnostics in a very brief manner, addressing.... and finall make some concluding remarks

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