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Presentation on theme: "VOLUNTEERING ROMANIAN PROGRAMS"— Presentation transcript:

ŞCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ “ANTON PANN” CRAIOVA VOLUNTEERING ROMANIAN PROGRAMS EDUPET-Schools for a green future Baterel and the NON-E world SNAC ( National Strategy of Community Action ) National Week of Volunteering Global Campaign for Education Andrei’s Country Let’s do it, Romania! Shoebox-a group of volunteers

2 EDUPET-Schools for a green future
ŞCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ “ANTON PANN” CRAIOVA EDUPET-Schools for a green future “Schools for a green future” is an educational programme that goes national, focusing on educating and raising the awareness of the public regarding the environment. Objective: raising awareness of the students regarding environmental problems caused by the disposal of waste. Students will be taught to be environment-friendly through direct and active participation in collecting wastes and garbage. Type of the activity: an educational program that concerns pre-collection PET containers in order to introduce them into the recycling circuit. The project addresses to students from all Romanian schools focusing on educational activities with the aims of informing, educating and paying attention to the impact of waste disposal upon the environment.

3 Baterel and the NON-E world
ŞCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ “ANTON PANN” CRAIOVA Baterel and the NON-E world On 2 November 2011, Asociația ENVIRON launched the national awareness raising, social responsibility and selective campaign: Baterel și Lumea NON-E ( Baterel and the NON-E world ). The campaign addresses pupils of all educational cycles - primary, secondary and high-school - and its purpose it to involve pupils and teachers in creating a national selective collection and recycling network, used batteries and accumulators. The campaign is devised as a competition for each period of age: essay/drawing contest for pupils of the same age, selective collection project design and implementation contest at a school or community level, and an used battery collection contest between participating schools.

4 SNAC (National Strategy of Community Action)
ŞCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ “ANTON PANN” CRAIOVA SNAC (National Strategy of Community Action) Community Action is a regular, certificated voluntary activity in the (school-based) curriculum of High Schools. Community Action involves linking together High Schools with Special Schools, Placement Centres and Institutitons, Social Apartments and Day Centres and Hospitals. SNAC is a coherent, coordinated, national programme of regular activities involving volunteers and children with special needs, at risk, in hardship or distress. Community Action is organized by a teacher (in a High School) acting as the Coordinator for Community Action in that High School and responsible for the recruitment of volunteers and the organization of the Community Action Programme. Enthusiasm, initiative and energy are some of the qualities required by Coordinators. For children, participation in Community Action Programmes will mean: • becoming further involved and more fully integrated into their local communities and enjoy developing new and personal friendships with volunteers; •gaining greater self‐esteem, and appreciate more their own value and worth ‐ which, in turn, would be appreciated by others;

5 SNAC (National Strategy of Community Action)
ŞCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ “ANTON PANN” CRAIOVA SNAC (National Strategy of Community Action) • stimulating their creative, imaginative and expressive abilities through the organization of a variety of different activities; •developing new physical skills through a diverse programme of sporting and other physical activities; •becoming more balanced individuals ‐ gaining personal and emotional security and confidence; •developing their own individual skills and talents and pursuing their own special interests; •feeling a part of their community and not apart from it

6 National Week of Volunteering
ŞCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ “ANTON PANN” CRAIOVA National Week of Volunteering Is a national event meant to gather as many organizations and volunteers as possible in order to celebrate volunteering, to attract the support of the community and to publicly acknowledge the volunteers’ actions. This week means: An opportunity for those to be involved in volunteering but do not know how; A demonstration and a source of inspiration regarding our power to collaborate to make a positive change in society; An opportunity for organizations to implement changing ideas and to celebrate volunteering programmes; An increasing annual event which draws the attention of the community and mass-media to good deeds happening inside the community;

7 Global Campaign for Education
ŞCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ “ANTON PANN” CRAIOVA Global Campaign for Education Global Campaign for Education is an international coalition of non-governmental organizations, working to promote children's and adult education through research and advocacy. Since 2001, Save the Children has supported the coalition with the support of : Ministry of Education, Research and Youth; School Inspectorate of Bucharest; Centre for Psycho-Pedagogical Assistance Bucharest; Centre for Educational Resources and Assistance Bucharest; Institute for Educational Sciences; Free Trade Union Federation in Education Romania; Centre for Education and Professional Development “Step by Step”; The “Education 2000+” Centre; Community Development Agency “Impreuna” together with National Network of Young Rromas

Andrei’s Country Andrei’s Country is a social responsibility project of OMV Petrom. Since 2009, through Andrei’s Country, OMV Petrom supports the projects that inspire the Romanian communities to take action and change their lives in key domains: creating new jobs, accessing the non-formal education and nurture the citizenship. Andrei’s Country’s values are the civic spirit, the entrepreneurial spirit, the (non-formal) education and innovation. Andrei’s Country is a large community oriented to finding solutions, a community of those who do not back down from the fight to transform their initiatives into reality. Andrei’s Country believes in people. It believes in the power of those with ambition who succeed to evolve through their own strength and it also believes in the power of those who guide and inspires them.

Let’s do it, Romania! Let’s Do It! World is a civic led mass movement which began in Estonia during 2008 when 50,000 people gathered to clean up the entire country in just five hours. "Let's do It Romania" is a National project  with largest ecological and social involvement. Previous years  over 35,000 volunteers participated in the National Day of Cleaning. Romania is known for its beautiful countryside, but even the finest views are often marred by piles of broken bottles, food wrappers, empty cigarette packets and refuse sacks dumped in fields or along the roadside. Most of the volunteers were young people and green activists, but public officials also took part. By law, police in Romania are supposed to fine people caught littering in public areas, but little is done in practice. The day of national clean-up is on 28th of September.

10 Shoebox - a group of volunteers
ŞCOALA GIMNAZIALĂ “ANTON PANN” CRAIOVA Shoebox - a group of volunteers It all started in Cluj-Napoca, Romania in 2007 with a family who wanted to convince their boy to give away some of his old toys to other children. The toys were put in shoe boxes and given to poor children. That was only the beginning. After that, in 2013 there were boxes in 66 towns, 107 collecting centers. This was only a tiny attempt to make a more beautiful world for those children in need and who do not feel the Christmas Spirit. VOLEurope – We volunteer for Europe Erasmus+, Key Action 2, Strategic Partnership in School Education TR01-KA _5 The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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