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The Acts 16:5 Initiative Develop a Defining Vision

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1 The Acts 16:5 Initiative Develop a Defining Vision
PowerPoint B

2 Where in the lifecycle is your congregation? Which way is it moving?
©2011 E. Stanley Ott: The Vital Churches Institute  901 Allegheny Ave  Pittsburgh, PA  

3 Some of the challenges we face in the culture
©2011 E. Stanley Ott: The Vital Churches Institute  901 Allegheny Ave  Pittsburgh, PA  


5 The condition of the culture
Manic High velocity Discontinuous ©2011 E. Stanley Ott: The Vital Churches Institute  901 Allegheny Ave  Pittsburgh, PA  

6 What are some changes you have witnessed in our culture in the last five years?
©2011 E. Stanley Ott: The Vital Churches Institute  901 Allegheny Ave  Pittsburgh, PA  

7 (post-Constantinian)
Post-Christendom (post-Constantinian) ©2011 E. Stanley Ott: The Vital Churches Institute  901 Allegheny Ave  Pittsburgh, PA  

8 [In times of rapid change] existing knowledge tends
to misdirect rather than facilitate problem resolution. Michael Marquardt ©2011 E. Stanley Ott: The Vital Churches Institute  901 Allegheny Ave  Pittsburgh, PA  

9 Make Vision Shift 1 Shift from your present hopes for your congregation’s future to the high expectation that God has a transformational future for your church. ©2011 E. Stanley Ott: The Vital Churches Institute  901 Allegheny Ave  Pittsburgh, PA  

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