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Department on Disability Services Overview

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1 Department on Disability Services Overview
Presentation for DC Advocacy Partners Friday, February 19, 2016

2 Your Presenters… Michelle Hawkins, Community Liaison Specialist
Alison Whyte, Program Development Specialist

3 Getting to know you… What is your name?
What is your favorite advocacy issue? Who is your favorite activist/advocate?

4 Department on Disability Services (DDS)
Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) Disability Determination Division

5 Mission of DDS To provide innovative, high quality services that enable people with disabilities to lead meaningful and productive lives as vital members of their families, schools, workplaces, and communities in every neighborhood in the District of Columbia.

6 Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA)
Provides lots of services for people with intellectual disabilities (ID) including: Service coordination Residential services Employment and day services Clinical services

7 DDA Eligibility A person must show the following to be eligible for DDA services: An IQ of 69 or below Challenges in adaptive abilities in at least two areas: communication, self-care, home/living, social/interpersonal, self-direction, functional academic skills, work, leisure, health and safety, use of community Proof of these things prior to age 18

8 Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA)
Provides employment related services to people with any kind of disability including: Supported employment Job training and educational support Assistive technology Career Counseling

9 RSA Eligibility A person must have the following to be eligible for RSA services: A documented disability Show that the disability limits work Show that you will benefit from vocational rehabilitation services in order to obtain, maintain, or regain employment

10 Big Initiatives Person Centered Thinking
Supporting Families Community of Practice No Wrong Door Community Engagement for Advocacy

11 Person Centered Thinking Core Concept
Important To Relationships Things to do Places to go Rituals and routines Pace of life Status and control Things to have Important For Prevention and treatment of illness Promotion of wellness Safe environments Being free from fear Being a valued and contributing member of the community Discovery tools can be used to gather information about what is important to and for a person. Our job is to support people to achieve a balance between these things in their life.

12 Project Goal To build capacity through a community of practice across and within States to create policies, practices and systems to better assist and support families than include a member with intellectual and developmental disability across the lifespan. DC CT MO TN WA OK

13 Our Core Team Members

14 No Wrong Door Four key functions:
Public Outreach and Coordination with Key Referral Sources – How will the NWD System have formal linkages with Information and Referral Entities, Nursing Homes and other Institutions, Acute Care Systems, and VA Medical Centers? Person Centered Counseling- And planning by private community partners and public. Competencies, training and credentialing, performance. Streamlined Access to Public LTSS Programs – All processes and requirements to determine eligibility that are required by any of the state administered programs that provide LTSS to any NWD System population, and how PCC interfaces with streamlined access? Preliminary and final, financial and program. State Governance and Administration of the NWD System.

15 Advocacy Opportunities
DDS Performance Hearing – March 10th, 10am, Wilson Building Room 412 DDS Budget Hearing – April 18th, 10am, Wilson Building Room 500

16 Advocacy Opportunities
Comment on the Medicaid Waiver Transition Plan - Comment on the WIOA Unified State Plan -

17 For more information or to apply for services, contact:
For DDA services: Michelle Hawkins, Community Liaison Specialist, For RSA services, RSA Intake, For Big Initaitves: Alison Whyte, Program Development Specialist,

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